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Taehyung is pacing around the room while Jin is rolling his eyes at his Dramatic Brother while Namjoon is trying to fix his tuxedo, "What if he says no?" "He who this time?" "Soobin, what if he realises that having two fathers is abnormal and decides to canc--Ahgrrr Hyung" Taehyung whined rubbing the spot where he got smacked while pouting, "Stop making excuses by yourself, that little boy is so happy to even rethink"

Yes, today is the wedding of the beautiful couple, they dated for approximately one and half year happily and one day when Taehyung and Jungkook bathing the elder suddenly proposed the younger who was cried rivers accepting the proposal and yeah before proposing Jungkook, Taehyung took permission from Soobin, the now 11 year old. Soobin is over the moon when Taehyung asked him and the child blessed him 'happily ever after' with his Papa

"Are you guys ready?" Yoongi hoarse interrupting Taehyung, "yeah" Jin clapped his hand, "No, I a--"Kim Taehyung one more word you are dead" Taehyung gulped when Jin glared at him with piercing gaze, "I-I am ready" Taehyung stuttered nodding, "Good" with a final look Yoongi left the room, "don't make me look bad with your constipated face Taehyung" Namjoon pressed his lips into a thin line when he saw the "So done" face of the younger

"Cheer up man" Namjoon patted his shoulders escorting Taehyung outside to the aisle, he is looking dashing in his Three piece suit, his father and step mother sat on one side along with Jin, as Namjoon is his best Man, Taehyung step-mother easily got mingled with the Jeons unlike his father when they met one week before the wedding, but nevertheless they are all fine now, 

Even Soobin is seemed to liked by Taehyung parents, Mrs. Kim adores the boy while Mr. Kim is slowly melting, Jungkook at the beginning definitely didn't liked meeting Taehyung father because of his boyfriend's bitter past with him but things went smoothly thanks to Jin and Mrs. Kim, though Jungkook still didn't liked Mr. Kim to the date, 

Suddenly everything became silent as the slow music background started, Taehyung straightened himself as the doors pushed open revealing Jungkook, the most ethereal boy that the elder fell in love 11 years ago, emotions stirred in Taehyung, vision getting blurred seeing his soon-to-be husband walking down the aisle with his father and Soobin by either sides and Yoongi behind as Jungkook's best man, Jungkook is wearing a white suit looking beautiful with a light makeup and cherry lipstick, 

Taehyung blinked his eyes, clearing his throat when he saw them getting nearer, he stretched his hand to take Jungkook's, 'Take care of my son' Mr. Jeon hoarse lowly earning a nod from Taehyung 'Always' , Jungkook sucked his breath harshly at the handsome male, the priest cleared his throat earning their attention successfully, starting the ceremony--

"Dear friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook in marriage. Through their time together, they have come to realize that their personal dreams, hopes, and goals are more attainable and more meaningful through the combined effort and mutual support provided in love, commitment, and family; and so they have decided to live together as husband and Husband"

"Do you Kim Taehyung take Jeon Jungkook to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in heath, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto him for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do" Taehyung takes the ring and slips it onto Jungkook's finger who smile smiles widely holding tears,

"Do you Jeon Jungkook take Kim Taehyung to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in heath, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto him for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do" Jungkook finally let his tears flow as he puts the ring on to Taehyung finger who was now also holding tears, 

"You may now kiss each other" Taehyung didn't waste any time as he pulled the younger into his arms through his waist, "Hello Mr. Kim" Taehyung with a teasing grin greets Jungkook who blushes scarlet red, "Hello to you too Mr. Kim" Jungkook cheekily smiled, "I love you Kook" Taehyung whispers looking into the doe eyes making the younger smile softly, "I love you too Tae" Jungkook whispers back connecting their lips getting cheers in the background, Soobin hides in his Grandma Jeon embrace making the older couple laugh at his cute antics,

With one last peck, de-attaching themselves they turned to the crowd, bowing with hands intertwined, with his hand snaking around Jungkook they both get off the stage going straight to Soobin pulling the younger into their embrace, "Congratulations" Soobin squealed kissing their cheeks earning a wide smiles from his parents, the boy is so content hugging them both, Everyone in the family congratulated them surrounding the newly wedded couple, the venue is really cheery, 

Suddenly out of nowhere two devils Jumped shouting 'CONGRATULATIONS' causing everyone to stumble in their places causing a disrupt in the midst the camera flashed capturing the memory, forever and ever


Hey Buns,

Finally!!! The book is completed, 

It's really simple and small book with many emotions for me. Thanks for everyone who ever are there with me from the beginning to end of this book. Thanks for your precious votes and comments. And also Thanks for my silent readers too. Don't worry I will Give you bonus chapters in the future. Once again Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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Love you all Precious💜

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