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Soobin is looking at the elder while licking his lolly pop with big wide eyes, both Taehyung and Jungkook are sitting infront of him on the chairs with a small distance while he is infront of them on a chair, both the elders are very nervous because they are going to ask Soobin's blessings,

Yes you heard it right, because Jungkook doesn't want to take things further without Soobin acknowledgement and the elder too agreed because, first, Taehyung is Soobin's teacher and second he is a male! There is chance of them getting denied,

"What is it?" Soobin asked startling the older males, "umm binnie, we uhhh Taehyung saem has something to tell you" Jungkook hurriedly said causing Taehyung snap his neck towards him in a blink, Soobin internally laughed because he had a hunch even if it isn't that then he will himself will give his opinion and permission,

Jungkook is looking everywhere but Taehyung while playing with his hands, seeing the cute younger Taehyung can't even do anything but pout, "what is it saem?" Soobin raised his eyes licking his lolly pop, what this kid is looking so scary for? Taehyung gulped thickly, taking a deep breath he started, "meandyourdadadecidedtodateandwantsyourpermission" both Son and father gave Taehyung an unimpressed look, Jungkook rolled his eyes at the olders fast rap,

"Have you decided to rap Mr. Kim?" Soobin frowns looking at the older with confusion, he didn't understood a single thing, "Aniii" Taehyung shook his head vigorously, "stop your head might roll down" "fine, m-me I mean me Kim Taehyung wants to date your Pa Jeon Jungkook" both are waiting for the younger's answer, their heart are beating eratically against their chest, "fine" Soobin shrugged, "you don't have any problem?" Jungkook asked with mouth agape, "what you want to get problematic by this?" The younger wanted to smack the older so hard,

"I am asking because i-its he didn't eve--"don't worry I know this before only" "when?!" "When you guys are busy fighting over something" Soobin shrugged, "but looks like you both are past it and you like each other a lot and Pa is happy, I don't see why I should deny And more importantly I will get a family" the 9 year old simply stated, he had his grand Bird a month back where Taehyung brought him a beautiful green sweater,

"With two guys ? Are you really fine?" Taehyung asked with hopeful eyes, "yeah why not?" Soobin nodded earning a Loud 'YES' from Taehyung, the elder lifted Jungkook from his seat swirling in the air who shrieked scolding Taehyung for doing it without giving warning, he then kept Jungkook down and hugged him so tightly without wasting time he lifted Soobin in his arms leaving a smiling Jungkook who has a wide grin displaying his teeth and hugged the younger "my lolly pop!" Taehyung is mumbling numerous 'Thank You's'


"So this needs a cake!" Jungkook cheered going inside, he brought a chocolate cake with strawberries on top of it with blue berries, "I promise to cherish your Pa and you" Taehyung mumbled to Soobin who gave him a cheek kiss, that night the three had dinner together happily and Taehyung left to his home with a wide boxy smile, he spammed Jin until the elder lifted his call!

Its the next day,

Taehyung is whining in the video call standing infront of his wardrobe, the elder is trying to choose the outfit for his date but so far he liked none, Jin is so done with the younger, he is this close to pull his hairs out since he can't do it with Taehyung, "I am telling you again Taehyung, this is awesome and you look so handsome" "b-but Hyun--"no don't give me those excuses anymore you are looking so handsome but ofcourse not more than me, bye have a great date!" With that Jin ended the call making Taehyung a whining mess,

After combing his hair, styling it with a gel showing his forehead the teacher in kakhi pants and green sweater is all set for the date, "shit!" Taehyung groaned checking the time, he dashed out of the house leaving everything like that but locking the doors, the elder raced to the cafe in his car, he sighed when he checked the time he is on time! Taehyung then messaged the younger that he is waiting outside,

Jungkook had a breathing exercise after he checked the message of Taehyung arrival, "it will be fine Jungkookie" Jungkook nodded hearing Jimin, "Soobin be a good boy and don't disturb Jimin uncle yeah?" "Yes Dada don't worry, have a great date" "yeah date" Jungkook inhaled and exhaled deeply, after sharing kisses with his son Jungkook stepped out of the cafe,

Taehyung is already waiting outside of the car, when the elder saw the younger outside he straightened his posture, "you look beautiful" blush made its way on Jungkook cheeks, it's been awhile someone made him all mushy like this, he can't believe they are going on a date, "you are handsome and beautiful too" Jungkook mumbled but Taehyung heard clearly, "KISS ALREADY" the couple snapped their heads to the direction with their dark red faces to find Yeonjun cycling in the same road with a wide mischievous grin, the couple are more embarrassed when they heard the laughs of Soobin and Jimin

"We better go" Taehyung stuttered clearing his throat, he opened the passenger seat door for the younger who entered mumbling 'Thank You' Taehyung jogged the other side and entered the driving seat, "where are we going?" Taehyung shrugged hearing Jungkook, "you are not gonna tell me" Jungkook squinted his eyes "No" Taehyung blatantly said making Jungkook pout, "fine"

The whole ride has been silent, it's not an awkward one but pleasant one, smile never leaving their faces both headed to their first date



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