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James POV

Today, we decided to have a chill day out by the pool in the garden. As we are leaving tomorrow. We had such a fun week, making so many new memories with my little family.

"Papa!" Nova called. "Lookie at what I can do."

She stood by the pool and did a tiny jump in.

"Well done, baby! That was such a big jump." I chuckled

She giggled and climbed out of the pool. "I'm gonna do another one, Papa."

"Well, before you do, baby, can I check your diaper?" I asked.

"No, Daddy! I'm still playing." she spoke, shaking her head. She turned around to run off, but before she could, Liam grabbed her.

"Well, you don't have a choice, little stinker." he chuckled, handing her to me."You need changing, missy, "

"But I wanna play." she pouted, stomping her foot.

"You can play after you get changed, now let's go inside and change your bottom." I spoke, grabbing her hand to lead her inside.

But she just ripped her hand out of mine and ran to the pool and jumped in.

"Nova, get out of the pool," I spoke sternly.

She looked up at me, pouting, and she climbed out the pool. I wrapped her up in a towel and carried her inside to get he into a fresh diaper and clean clothes.


We've just put Nova down for a nap an hour ago because she's been cranky since this morning.

We've just finished packing out stuff when we heard Nova through the baby moniter calling our name.

Liam makes his way upstairs and 2 minutes later comes down with a very happy girl.

"Hiya princess, had a good sleep?" I spoke softly.

She smiled shyly and nodded, laying her head on Liams shoulder.

"I'm thirsty Papa," she spoke, placing her thumb in her mouth, which Liam took back out.

I made me way into the kitchen and poured her some apple juice in a sippy, then made my way back into the living room where she sat on the floor playing with her toys, I handed her sippy to her.

"Thankies, Daddy!" She giggled

"You're welcome, sweetie!" I sat next to her and joined in her game.


A few days later


We've been home for a couple of days now, Nova is in the playpen playing while Liam and I are sitting on the sofa discussing what daycare centre to take Nova into.

Since Nova is now settled with us, we need to start getting back to normal, like going back to work properly. But it'll also help her make some friends at daycare.

We've got some recommendations from family and friends, but we're also looking at some other ones that haven't been mentioned.

So far, we only like the two daycare so far. So Liam saved the two numbers and went to the other room to call them and book a viewing.

Two minutes later Liam walked back in,

"So the first daycare I managed to book in this Tuesday and the second one I manged to book in for Thursday. " he spoke, he placed the phone down and sat next to me. "I wonder how she will feel about being in a new situation. I hope she'll like it."

"I think she will, I'm starting to notice that she gets a little bored, so it'll be nice for her to make some friends." I spoke, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Daddy! Papa!" I hear a whine. "I wan cuddles too!"

I look up to see ger pouting at us. She stands up in the playpen and lifts her arms up.

"Well ain't you adorable!" Liam chuckles, he gets up and grabs her and places her in between us.

She blushes and turns her head, trying to hide herself. I laugh as I pinch her cheeks gently.

"My blushy little girl." I chuckled, she just huffs giving up on trying to hide herself.

Me and Liam just looked at each other and laugh at our little girl.


Hiya guys,

It's been a while since I updated, I know it's not much, but I will try and finish this book by the end of the year.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

And please, any ideas please let me know by commenting or give me a message.

Thank you,


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