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In this story Magnus has lost his powers forever.

*Magnus was in his loft, laying on his burgundy couch watching a mundane show called Teen wolf*

Magnus was very interested in this mundane show he found. He thought it was pretty interesting. Magnus sighs and pictures his young boyfriend. "Oh how I wish Alexander wasn't so busy.." He pauses his show as he hears a crash. Magnus jumps up and runs over to peer into his room to see.. nothing..?
"My mind must be playing tricks on me again.." He shrugs.
All this changes as someone grabs him from behind and covers his mouth! "MM!! A-alexander!" Magnus' words get muffled as he begins to fight back. Two strong men grab both of his arms and chuckle. "This downworlder is a fighter." One of the men states. "Mmmm!!!!" Magnus slowly gives up and he is immediately drugged. He falls into a trance.

Magnus wakes at slowly eyes blurry. "Huh..?" He tries to rub his eyes but realises he is tied down into a chair. "Magnus! Your awake!" He turns his head to see..
"What's going on?" Magnus crys. "I'm not sure." Magnus thinks, who's that? He turns to the others side of him and ends up staring at Luke!? Magnus struggles as he tugs against the ropes and chains. "Mags there's no use. Each rope and chain are attached to our type." Luke states.

Someone opens the door.
"Shut up won't you?" "Who are you?" Magnus shouts and keeps pulling against the ropes.
Jonathan moves closer. "Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you. You are all here to lure Clary. But if she refuses.. maybe you will get hurt."
Simon starts shouting. "Let us out. Clary will never let you hurt us. She'll hate you for this!" "Simon, stop." Luke trys to calm Simon down.

Alec's Pov

Alec come home to the loft early tonight as he missed Magnus. "Hello, Mags? You home?" He places his jacket down on the sofa. "Mags?" He speeds up worried about his boyfriend. "MAGNUS??" Alec panicks and frantically calls Magnus a few times. "Damn it Magnus pick up! Where are you!" He grabs his jacket and runs back to the institute.
"IZZY! JACE!" He sees his siblings and runs over to them. "Alec what's wrong!" Izzy looks really worried.
"M-magnus, he's not at the loft and he won't pick up the phone!" "Alec, I'm sure you don't need to worry, he's probably out for a while."
"No, no Jace. Somethings wrong."
Alec looks like he's about to break down in tears and izzy walks closer to him to comfort him. Clary voice trails behind.
"Hey Iz? Have you heard from Simon, he's not picking up! And neither is Luke." She spots Alec and runs over. "Hey! Alec are you alright!" Izzy sighs. "Aswell and them Magnus has gone missing..." Alec is panicking and starts to hyperventilate. "Please don't let anything happen to Magnus..." He mumbles.

Magnus' pov

It has been a few hours since Magnus passed out from exhaustion. He hears alot of commotion from outside..
"Simon, Luke, do you hear that..?" Luke nods along with Simon.
Magnus looks relived as he sees his handsome boyfriend bardge through the door.
"MAGNUS!" Magnus smiles and Jace follows Alec as both the Parabatais free the downworlders.
Simon and Luke leave the room to help fight and Jace nods to Alec leaving him and Magnus alone.

"By the angel Magnus I thought I had lost you!" He pulls Magnus into a tight embrace. "Since you lost your powers.. I have been so afraid something like this would happen!" Magnus chuckles. "Alexander. I'm ok I promise..!" He places a soft kiss on his Shadowhunter's lips.
"I love you."
"I love you too."

Alec pulls Magnus out of the battle with permission from Jace. "Alec why are we leaving?" "Mags, I don't want you hurt. I'm not risking it." "Silly, you know we will win." "Yeah but still.." Magnus adores the soft, puppy dog side of Alec and he wraps his warm hands around alecs neck.
"Your so adorable" Magnus chuckles and kisses him again. Alec makes the kiss last about a minute.
"Come on Mags." Magnus giggles and follows Alexander back to the loft.

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