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Authors note: I'm trying a new style of writing, it's not that diffrent though don't worry! ❤

If it has:
Characters name: "----", that means they are speaking.
If it has:
Characters name: ---, that means it's their thoughts.

*Asmodeous has Alec under some sort of spell making him fall out of love with Magnus*

Alec walks into the institute and looks a bit duller than normal. Izzy seems to be the only one who noticed but she ignored it for a while.

Later in the day Izzy begins to get more concerned as Alec has lost his cheerfulness that he always has after he has spent time with his beloved Magnus.

Izzy: "Alec what's up with you? I can tell somethings wrong, your my brother.

Alec stays completely silent and continues with his work.

Izzy: "Alec. Answer me. I'm worried about you!"

Alec rolls his eyes.

Alec: "Izzy let me work. If I must talk to you I will later Alright?"

Izzy looks super concerned but respects her brothers privacy and nods. She walks away waiting for the day to end so she can talk to her brother who she loves so much.

Magnus' pov:

Magnus: Why did Alec ignore me this morning.. I tried talking to him and he just walked out of the loft. Have I done something wrong..

A tear rolls down Magnus' cheek.

Magnus: No no stop crying Magnus!

He stumbles back onto the bed and the tears begin to flood out.

Magnus: Your being over dramatic, he probably didn't hear you and had to rush off to the institute, Yeah.. yeah.. he was just in a rush..

Magnus curls up in the bed crying and can't hold back anymore. He breaks down just hoping Alec still loves him.

Alec's pov:

Alec: Ugh why is Izzy being so pushy. Its my life. By the angel.

Izzy walks into his room and Alec looks up. He rolls his eyes in annoyance

Alec: "Izzy, what do you want now."

Izzy: "Why aren't you sleeping at the loft..?"

Izzy questions her brother really worried about her brothers relationship.

Alec: "I Don't feel like it."

Izzy: "Alec what happened! By the angel Alec."

Alec: "Nothing I just don't wanna be at the loft."

Izzy looks really concerned.

Izzy: "Fine I'll go if you won't tell me."

Alec: "finally thank you. Bye Iz."

Izzy: "Bye Alec.."

Magnus' pov:

Magnus: Stop crying.. Please..

Mascara is running down his face and makeup is smudged as the warlock has been crying since morning worried about his precious boyfriend as his phone buzzes.
He jumps up hoping it is Alec but he sees Izzy's number appear.

He sniffles a bit and answers the phone.

Magnus: "W-well hello there Isabelle.:

Izzy: "By the angel Magnus! What is going on! Alec is staying here and he won't talk to me. And you sound like.. you've been crying."

Magnus' lips trembles and he starts to break down again and izzy on the other side of the line looks horrified.

Izzy: "Magnus, may I come over?"

Magnus: "Y-es Isabelle.."

Izzy ends the call and grabs her jacket and rushes over to Magnus' loft leaving Clary looking really confused.

Izzy arrives at his loft and opens the door and locks it behind her.

Izzy: "MAGNUS??"

Magnus whimpers.

Magnus: "I-in here.."

Izzy comes rushing in and hugs her brother-in-law.

Izzy: "Magnus are you ok? What did Alec do!"

Magnus: "I-im just over reacting Isabelle, i-its fine.."

Izzy rubs his back and looks angry.

Izzy: I'm going to kill my brother. I mean it.

Izzy: "Mags, please tell me what happend."

*After Magnus explained what happened izzy looked worried*

Izzy: "Magnus, I'm sure Alec had a reason, but is this why he was so moody and annoyed at work."

Magnus nods lightly.

Magnus: "M-maybe.."

Izzy rubs his back and just hugs him. They stay like that for a while and begin talking about possibilities.


That's another oneshot complete. I'm leaving it there because I don't want to ruin the oneshot because I guarantee I'll mess it up.

Thanks for reading ❤❤

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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