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*Magnus and Alec are sitting by a lake on a little picnic blanket*

Magnus sighs of relief as he watches his Sweet shadowhunter happy as ever. Alec has a wide smile growing on his face as he stares up into the sky.
Magnus admires this side of Alec and just watches not wanting to disturb his boyfriend. Alec turns his head to face Magnus. "This was a brilliant date idea Mags! It's beautiful here. Truely" "No worries darling I knew you'd love it."
The two men stare at each other with loving smiles implanted on their face.
Magnus leans in and lightly pecks Alec's cheek. Alec cups Magnus' face and stares at his gorgeous cat eyes.
"By the angel Magnus, I love you so much." "Me too Alexander, I love you too." Alec kisses his warlock with alot of passion.
"I'm the luckiest warlock alive." Alec chuckles lightly and continues to kiss his boyfriend.
They shift their bodies so that they are laying with each other, Alec laying on his back with Magnus laying his head softly on his chest.
"It really is as beautiful as you said Alexander." "Isn't it.."
They both lay there as time goes by and before they know it the sky has darkened and its almost midnight!
"Wow, that was quick!" Alec looks shocked at how fast time went by. Magnus giggles lightly. He lifts his body up. "Shall we head home dear?"
"Yes please Mags!" Magnus starts to pick up all their things with the help of Alec. Alec admires Magnus' entire body and smirks at him.
Magnus goes to open a portal home but Alec stops him. "Hey Mags, can we just walk home together..?" Magnus looks really enthusiastic and nods fast. "I would love that!" Magnus and Alec walk through the park hand in hand talking about anything but the shadow world as this is their date.
As they get back to the loft Alec turns Magnus into a kiss. "Your amazing Mags, your truly, amazing." "Magnus caresses Alec's cheek and grins. "All the same to you dear." Alec kisses him roughly and pushes the door open from behind not leaving Magnus' lips.
They make their way to the bedroom still locking their lips to one another.
Magnus falls onto his back on the bed and Alec follows him on.

*I'll leave you to imagine the rest of their night*

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