Chapter 4

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Did I really just update that quickly?! Yes the fuck I did bitches! (It's also the longest chapter yet I think so yay)

However, I wrote this super quick so I'm not sure if it comes across a little rushed. Please let me know if it does when you're done reading and I'll try to fix it.



I didn't go confront them right away.

I wanted to think it over first, let myself absorb the reality of it all. It wouldn't have done me any good if I'd just rushed into accusing them of something if there was another reasonable explanation that I may have missed.

So I gave it one night.

I spent almost the entire night going over every possibility in my head, trying to think of any way that I could have hurt someone or done anything that would solicit people 'coming for me'. But there's nothing. I barely ever talk to anyone in school and even when I'm around town, I keep to myself. I thought I was safe that way, but clearly not.

How the note got into my locker isn't a big mystery. It would have been easy for anyone just to slip the note through those little vent things in the locker door, and it would obviously have to be someone who goes to our school who did it.

A part of me wanted to tell Cal about it all but knowing him, he'd either brush it off as a stupid joke, or he'd get super over protective and go into full on detective mode. I couldn't let the latter happen, especially if he did trace it back to the boys. As angry as I am at the thought of them being behind this, I would never set Cal's attention on them. Cal can never know about them. Us.

I'll still protect them, no matter what they do to me. They can send all the threatening notes they want, turn into bullies, push me to the brink. They could hurt me... and I'd still take our secrets to the grave.


I give it until lunchtime before I make my move, using the morning to come up with a plan of action. All I can think to do is straight up confront them, but it has to be all of them at once. I have to see for myself how they react, and I don't want to give the others time to come up with some kind of lie if I ask them separately one by one.

Getting them all together in one place at one time isn't going to be easy though, so I decide to pass that job on to one of them. Max is the one I choose, and I stand waiting outside of his last class before lunch, waiting to pounce before I lose my nerve.

Luckily, I've been observing these boys for the last seven years, maybe even longer, so I know their patterns of behaviour well by now. My sleuthing pays of when I follow Max down a couple of corridors, just waiting till he gets to the one door that leads around the back of the school, the place he likes to go and hideaway.

This area is deserted right now, just like I knew it would be, and I take my opportunity to get him to listen to me. I pop out from behind him, slamming my palm against his chest and stopping him in his tracks. I thought he'd be a little surprised but he doesn't even flinch at the sight of me. If anything, he looks a little amused. Curious too.

"I need to talk to you." I start quickly, barely giving him time to breathe, let alone move away from me. Or maybe I'm just trying to speak before I chicken out, or get distracted by him, or by my hand still on his chest.

"All of you." I add, my voice just above a whisper now that the nerves start getting to me.

Max is silent but his eyes tell a thousand stories, ones I'm sure only I could read. He looks me over and I do my best not to blush. Now is not the time, and he wasn't even looking at me in that way, I just can't help it around him. I try to avoid meeting his eyes again but they're just too damn captivating.

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