The Ritual

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Hello again my lovely readers! Thank you again for showing this story so much love ❤️

This chapter honestly didn't take me that long to write, I was just trying to find a way to make sure it wasn't too boring, so sorry for the wait! The boys aren't in this one much either, so apologies for that too 🤦‍♀️

Also, I changed some of the chapter titles to make it more obvious which are the past and present ones. And I added a few more songs to the playlist!



Alessia and Luca guide us through the crowded Town Square, leading us right into the centre, as close as possible to where the unlit bonfire sits waiting for the Samhain Girls to light it in tonight's Ritual. My hand is still in Alessia's as we walk, her other arm around Reece's shoulders, keeping us close to her. We're not her children, but you wouldn't know that with the way she treats us. It feels like she genuinely cares about us, and I for one am not used to getting that from anyone but Cal and Grandma Wilder. It's unusual, but I like it, and it makes me sad to think it can't last forever. In the end, I'm not her family, and neither is Reece.

Every year, there's always a section of the Square reserved for important people, like those on the Town Council or the event organisers, usually cordoned off from the rest of the crowd with velvet ropes, and it has the best view of the Ritual. I only realise that that is where we are heading when someone unclips one of the ropes to let the five of us through.

I don't bother asking Max's parents why they're allowed in this VIP section of sorts; They're probably the most wealthy and well known people in this town, and that is reason enough, I'm guessing.

I don't bother asking Max's parents why they're allowed in this VIP section of sorts; They're probably the most wealthy and well known people in this town, and that is reason enough, I'm guessing

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I've never had a view of the Ritual this good before. I'm used to having to climb up on something to see over the crowds, or sit on Cal's shoulders on the rare occasion he has Halloween off from work, so it'll be cool to actually see it up close for once.

"Hey, Reece." Luca calls to him softly, his hand reaching out to ruffle Reece's hair as we all stand together waiting, somewhat far away from the other 'VIP' people, many of whom give us sly, nasty looks when they think we can't see. But I notice.

Reece smiles slightly as he turns to Luca but it pretty much disappears as soon as he speaks again.

"How's your mum?"

An icy chill settles on my skin as Reece grinds his teeth and almost glares at the ground, obviously not happy Luca asked about his mum. If I was Luca, I'd be very glad that looks can't kill right about now.

I don't think I've ever really met Reece's mum. I might have seen her pick him up or drop him off at school when we were younger, but I can't recall what she looks like off the top of my head. However, I've heard plenty about her. Kids in school are always calling her names or being mean to Reece about her. I remember once that a girl in our class got sent to the principal's office because she said something like, 'my mum said your mum is a whore' to Reece, and our teacher overheard. I didn't really know what that word meant back then, and I'm still not completely sure, but I have more of an idea now and I hate her for ever trying to hurt Reece.

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