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We're inextricably intertwined, that girl and I. The one with hair the colour of a Devil's Night sky and eyes like the forest on foggy mornings. The girl who has this whole town fooled. She walks around looking like an angel - which she is, don't get me wrong - it's just that people don't seem to realise that the angel she is is a fallen one.

Wasn't the Devil one of those?

She's almost an embodiment of this town, I suppose; Pretty and innocent during the day, devious and deadly at night. 'As above, so below' could never be more ill-fitting than if used to describe her.

But that's what's fuelled this seven year long obsession with her. She's just as dark and twisted and tainted and ruined as I am, and oh, how all around fanfuckingtastic it is that it's her who is at the center of everything.

Of course it had to be her. There's no one else it would be. But that doesn't mean she'll pay for her sins alone. No no no.

I waited. I watched. I bided my time. I figured it all out, I did.

And my patience is about to yield its reward, the plan coming together just as I knew it would. Genius runs in the family, does it not?

She stepped right into the trap, took the bait like the poor lost soul that she is, confirming all that I thought to be true.

Oh, you silly, silly girl. I'm almost disappointed in you, I think as she gets into the car. But then I remember she's sealing her fate, and she doesn't even know it. How deceptively delightful!

On the outside, I come across as straight faced, no emotion whatsoever, but inside... I'm throwing my head back and laughing hysterically like the complete and utter psycho that I am.

I almost wanted to just leave this here with no author's note to confuse the hell out of you all but nah, I couldn't stay away from my favourite readers 😋

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