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" If I could,
I'd swim deep into your black orbs
And I'll forget how to breathe there. "


Sarika was strolling out yesterday night when Avinash came in Anika’s car when Anika confessed. Sarika didn’t hear their conversation but felt something was going on between the two of them.

Sarika already has doubts about Avinash as to why he was avoiding marriage discussion or why he joined Anika’s institute instead of his company. She first thought if there is any girl in Anika’s institute or if she is Anika. Now it has been confirmed.
Sarika wanted to marry Avinash with her niece, Swathi. Who is very cute and lively but didn’t expect this from Avinash. But she does know Anika is also a good girl.
Sarika purposefully avoided the first ride in her son’s new car to see whom he would take if not for her, and yes, her guess was right. She saw Anika climb into the car. If she guessed right, the box of tiffin she packed is for Anika too.
Later that day, after Avinash and Anika left, Sarika met Suma. Both elders talked and came to a conclusion.
In college,
Anika packed her work and was waiting for Avinash. Within no time Avinash arrived. Now the students could already know it’s Avinash in the car and there is something going on between them. After all, they all can also understand that Anika and Avinash were their seniors, who can also be in a relationship, just like them. What matters more here is that Anika and Avinash both got successful and are mature, which stood ahead of all other things. Some girls even envied Anika too, because Avinash is looking too handsome to not catch any eye.
Avinash climbed out of the car and gently opened the door for Anika. Some students shouted and it embarrassed Anika, she quickly went into the car and they drove off.
Anika still doesn’t know what he was thinking about her confession. She does confess and no man, who is sane would be going out with her but not give a response. Yet here this man, Avinash, is acting like all normal. But she promised herself that she’ll not rush him to reply and will not feel sad even if he rejected her.
“Dosa is still in the box, you can eat it” Avinash said.
“Yes,” Anika ate it but more cleanly not wanting him to wipe her lips again to make her more embarrassed.
Avinash booked a high-class restaurant. Anika already went to this restaurant 2-3 times to meet clients. But coming with Avinash made her feel excited.
They both settled and ordered their favourite dishes, Anika ordered lite because her stomach was already half-full with dosa.
“So how was your first teaching experience? Do you feel comfortable?” Anika initiated talking.
“So far, it’s pretty good, I’m keeping my full concentration on teaching though I don’t know whether they can understand or not,” Avinash said truthfully.
“Don’t worry, I’ve received good replies on your teaching. I heard from Chandana that you didn’t teach your first classes.” Anika laughed as she remembered Chandana’s dialogues.
When Avinash went to the first class to teach, there was a big commotion in class. Avinash was already in the paper and news once. And all students also know Avinash was their Anika mam’s friend. But they didn’t expect he’d teach them one day. So for every batch of students he teaches, actually he didn’t teach them, but he cleared their doubts and their doubts were his lifestyle, his job in London, what was his experience in job , his secret of success and even some students asked if he had any girlfriend.
“Yes, But it’s really awkward to begin my teaching with people of my age. And when they asked and talked to me like their friend, only then could I think as one of them and be able to feel more at ease while teaching.”
“For me too, I didn’t think that I’d do this, but I felt every graduate student must settle and I established this. Even in teaching too, many are slow learners, we have to consider them more and teach. Even only for them, I’ve kept 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm class”
Their order was delivered and they started talking while eating.
“Nice, but I heard from some that they aren’t paying. Won’t it be a loss to you?” Avinash asked.
“No, it doesn’t. Because they are poor and I don’t want to restrict them from learning, but when they get a job, they’ll pay me back. In fact, it is also a strategy, so it’ll make students believe they can get a job from our institute and they’ll join” Anika winked.
“Your mind is too cruel but it’s nice, getting their trust.”
“But I’m really thankful to you” Anika paused for a few seconds and continued “Avinash, you are my saviour,” Avinash looked into her eyes and knows her sincerity in saying “And don’t worry, I’m already looking for a new staff, this time I’ll recruit more, so I’ll have more free time.”
“Great, I could already see you have become thinner compared to in your college days.”
“It’s not like that, even I was also happy to work and do this rather sit free”
“Still, your health is also important, I could see you are not eating properly”
“So, Avinash, today morning you brought me dosa because you guessed I didn’t eat breakfast?” Anika asked doubtfully.
“Yes, I guessed you didn’t eat and my guess was true.”
“Thanks, but how can you be this caring, when you don’t even love me?” Anika asked.

I don't think any guy in real would behave like Avinash after being confessed by his crush, Still, he's Avinash and on top of, My character

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I don't think any guy in real would behave like Avinash after being confessed by his crush, Still, he's Avinash and on top of, My character.
He should behave...

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