My drynites?

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"I'm sorry" replied moya as she began to place the drynites neatly back on the stack. "No, no, I'm sorry but you have to buy them now" said the worker. He was a 30 ish man who was wearing the blue Tesco uniform. "What, b-but I found them like this" stuttered Moya "Miss I walked through this aisle ten minutes ago and nothing was broken or torn, even if it wasn't you you have touched them now and it seems to me you tore them" said the worker. Moya wanting to end this whole embarrassing ordeal as quickly as possible just said "fine, fine I'll do it" as she began walking away to the checkout. The worker started following her to make sure Moya did in fact pay for them. "This is so embarrassing, everyone in the store including that worker probably thinks that A I need these and B that I was trying to shoplift them" moya thought as she speed walked to the self checkout as quickly as she could. She shorty got there and as the worker watched she put the money in the machine and thought "it's a good thing I brought some money". She then walked out of the checkout and scanned the area for a bin she could put the drynites she had been forced to buy into. Unfortunately she saw nothing, but then she saw the bathrooms and realized there would have to be a bin in there. She walked in as she unsuccessfully tried to stuff the half empty packet of drynites into her handbag. She walked in and realized they're was no bin in the main area, she also realized they're was no one else in the bathroom however every toilet was occupied. She put her handbag down on the sink and organized the individual drynites into different compartments while leaving the main bag empty, it now looked like she simply had full handbag instead of a handbag with half a pack of drynites sticking out. After 2 minutes a woman walked out of one of the toilets, Moya slowly walked in and locked the door behind her. She took out the first drynites and was just about to throw it in the bin when she thought "these are supposed to be able to fit me, I wonder if they actually would" but then "no that's stupid, what are you thinking" and then "well I've already bought them, I'm just wondering". She pulled off her panties and pulled them past her shoes, it was easy as she was only wearing a skirt. She then slowly unfolded the drynites and thought "there's no way they'll fit me" before she slowly pushed her shoes through the holes one at a time. She then slowly pulled up the drynites up her legs and was surprised as it stretched to fit her figure perfectly. Moya was surprised by just how snug, soft and comfortable the pull up was she had imagined it as tight, itchy and irritating. She put the toilet seat down and sat down as she put her panties in a discrete pocket in her handbag. Moya remarked on how comfy it was, she felt as if she was sitting on a small pillow. She then thought of how the packet said how secret the drynites were and how only the wearer would know they were wearing them. Moya thought "well I have already tested the size and that was right, so I might as well see how secret they are, anyway it not like there's a risk of someone knowing me in this bathroom. Moya slowly unlocked the door grabbed her handbag and examined herself in the bathroom mirror. The packet didn't lie, they really were discrete, the only real effect was that in the skirt her butt actually looked slightly bigger, not noticibily bigger just slightly, she probably wouldn't of even realized herself if she wasn't staring at the area intensely. "Anyway, that was wierd, let's go back in the toilet and get rid of these stupid things" she thought as she began to walk back into the toilet. Just then she got a call from her mother, she reversed and answered the call in the washing and drying area. She talked to her mum for 5 minutes about were she was, how she was, how dad was going and how long until they could get back on the road. Luckily Moyas mother asked nothing about her and how she was. Moya learned that her dad had finished the call early and the family were ready to get back on the road and we're waiting for her at the car. Moyas mother had also told her to quickly make her way back to the car. Moya forgot about what she was wearing and immediately started walking back to the car while answering all her messages on Snapchat

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