A warm drynite

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Moya walked downstairs, she felt her drynite crinkle and blushed. Luckily everyone was busy making or eating breakfast and so no one heard. She sat down and poured herself a bowl or cereal, "so, what are we doing today" she asked. "As soon as your done we're leaving to go to the mechanic, the car won't lock, so we need to sort that out before doing anything" replied her dad. Ava groaned "ugh, could you drop me and mom to the beach and then you two do that", "yeah, I wouldn't mind dad" responded Moya who was welcoming the chance to sort out the padding between her legs as her old drying plan was off the table because they were leaving immediately. "Sure, that'll work" awnserd the girls dad.

As soon as Moya finished her cereal they hopped in the car, by the time they reached the beach and dropped of Ava and her mother Moya had become aware of the fact that she hasn't actually used the bathroom this morning. "I'll be fine, I'll just ask to go at the mechanic" she thought. By the time they got there and parked out front Moya was certainly feeling the need to pee, she wasn't quite near bursting yet but definitely getting there.

"Moya you wait here while I talk to the mechanic, we can't just leave the car as it can't lock" said Moyas dad "Crap" thought Moya as she had planned to use the toilet immediately.
As her dad walked off Moya took out her phone and tried to distract herself by going on her phone. But it was no use, her dad was taking ages and 15 minutes later she was about to burst. Moya reasoned with the idea of using the drynite but had quickly decided that was stupid, she then thought about leaving the car but she knew her dad would freak out if she did that. So she sat there, fighting the ever growing urge, she crossed her legs, put her hands on her crotch but nothing was working, "well at least I'm wearing a drynite" she thought "no, no stop, I'm going to find a way out of this".

Moya opened the door seeing no other alternative, she took a step out but then caught her foot on the car door, she fell and landed with no injury. But then she realized the real problem, she had begun dribbling in the drynite, she tried with everything she had to stop but it was to late, the flow got stronger and stronger as she felt her crotch area warm up and become soggy. She felt the warmth slowly spread around the drynite until it was completely full.

She stood up and then saw her dad walking out, thank god she had worn sweatpants or her soaked drynite would have surely been noticable since it expanded. Moya got up, blushing heavily still feeling the warmth and wetness in her drynite. "Are you ok Moya?" Asked her dad, "ehh, yeah I was just getting out to see where you were when I fell over, but I'm fine" responded Moya. "Oh ok, the mechanic is going to need a few hours with our car so we're going to walk down to the beach, do you need to use the toilet before we leave" said her dad. Moya thought about it but realized she had no underwear to change in to and that is even if she did there would be the matter of disposing of the drynite, so she responded "no I'm ok".

Besides not that she would ever admit it in a billion years, but she thought the warmth and wetness of the drynite kind of felt good.

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