The car trip

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Moya hurried inside the car, she opened the back left door and sat down. As she sat down and closed the door she heard a slight clinkle, then when she sat down she felt a little more padding than usual under her bum. ‘Oh shit’ she thought, she had comletely forgot that she was wearing the drynites that she had bought. On one hand Moya was angry at herself for this as if she was seen with a diaper on she would never hear the end of it but on the other hand she was glad as if she was being honest with herself she did think they were really comfy and snug. She remembered checking herself out in the mirror and realized there was no way anyone would notice as it was completely true when the pack said only the wearer would know.

Moya reasoned with herself knowing all this and came to the conclusion that firstly she had already said yes when her mom had asked her if she went to the bathroom so there was no way she could get out of the car and take of her drynites in a bathroom, and secondly that there was no way anyone would find out, especially while she was wearing the school skirt which showed absolutely nothing. She sat there for 10 minutes more, looking at the passing country while enjoying the softness of her current underwear. But then the tiredness of a long week began to fall on her and soon enough she was sound asleep.

Moyas dad, Jake looked back at his two daughters Moya and Ava ‘look at those two both sound asleep’ he said to his wife quietly, not wanting to wake them up. ‘I know, the last time we went to this hotel we put the girls in pull ups for the car trip’ replied emma, Moyas mother. ‘I remember actually, they complained so much about it but when we eventually got there they were both soaked’ said Jake. ‘I remember, it was so cute and nice to have them back in diapers for the day’ said emma. ‘Sometimes I wish they were still both like that, sure it meant sometimes we had to change them but it was much simpler and easier’. ‘And they were far easier to please’  said emma, finishing the conversation.

Both the parents were clueless that one of their daughters was infact again in pull ups for the car journey. 

Sorry about another short chapter, but I just wanted to take a short chapter to name and introduce the new characters

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