A little leak

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Moya woke up, feeling energized after a good nap "I didn't even realize I was asleep, how long was I asleep" she asked her parents. "Only about an hour and don't be so loud, your sister is still asleep". 'What, is she 5 thought moya wondering why her parents told her to quite down.

"How long until we arrive" asked moya, finally feeling all that water she drank at school today in her bladder. "45 minutes" replied her dad. Moya adjusted her seating position, while doing so she heard a quite crinkle. This reminded her of everything that had happened since her dad stopped to take the business call and of her current underwear. She once again was reminded of how comfortable and snug they were as she felt the drynite under her bum. She wondered if her especially padded and comfy underwear were why she had such a good nap.

The car trip continued on, Moya spent most of her time either on her phone or looking out the window, she was trying to keep focused on anything to get her mind of the growing pressure in her bladder. She again asked how dad how long was left, 30 minutes, moya knew it was going to be a struggle. She now deeply regretted forgetting to actually use the bathroom when she went to the bathroom in the store.

Moya struggled on telling herself how much she was going to enjoy this holiday and just how fun it was last time. Of course she didn't actually remember that much as she was only 8 at the time but she did remember it was fun. "How long now" she asked her parents, "15 minutes, why are you ok" said her mother "Yeah I just need to use the bathroom but I'll be alright" replied Moya, knowing it would really annoy her parents if she said she had to stop now. She supposed she would have to struggle on until they arrived. She heard a little crinkle as she moved her leg, she blushed looking around to see if anyone heard. Her sister was still sound asleep and her parents hadn't heard, so she was alright. She then started to think about what she was going do do with her drynites when they arrived, she couldn't throw them away today as it was already dark so it would be suspicious if she went outside and she certainly wasn't going to put them in the inside bins as it would be too risky. She came to the conclusion that she would make an excuse to go on a walk in the morning and then ditch the diapers in someone else's bin to completely get rid of any chance of being caught.

"How long now" said moya to her mum, "5 minutes baby, now can you stop asking that". Moya was absolutely bursting now and was using all her willpower to hold it in. She was now squirming and could frequently hear her underwear crinkle. Finally the car pulled in to the rented holiday homes drive way. Thank God moya thought, she was this close to unintentionally using the drynites she hadn't wanted to buy. She quickly walked to the door and told her dad to hurry up and unlock the door. He got there in a couple seconds wich felt like a couple hours to moya and eventually unlocked the door. Moya ran up the stairs, her bladder muscles on the verge of failure. She opened the door, feeling a slight dribble begin to enter her drynites. She quickly sat down on the toilet, not even locking the door due to the rush she was in. She sat down and in record speed pulled down her skirt and her drynites just in time to avoid completely soaking them.

She immediately felt the relief as she went on the toilet. When she was done she looked down at the inside of her drynites and saw a small wet yellow patch, it was maybe the size of a golf ball, so nothing really she thought to herself. She then realized she must haves leaked as she ran in the house, "good thing I was was wearing padding" she joked to herself, trying to make light of the situation. She then looked around and realized her handbag was still in the car. She reluctantly pulled up her barely used pull up and ran back out of the house as fast as she ran in, knowing that it would be a disaster if anyone else picked up her handbag. As she ran she noticed the tiny spot of warmth on her drynite where she had peed, this was crazy she thought but it was actually a nice feeling. She reached the car, her mother who was unloading the boot gave her a strange look because she was running but though nothing more of it. Ava was only just waking up so moya just  reached in and grab her bag before going over to the boot to get rest of her bags. She slowly walked up the stairs with her heavy bag on her back, as she did this she was again reminded of the diaper she was wearing and how comfy it was and how it hugged her figure. She placed her bag down in the room before hopping under her bed covers to get undressed. As she did this her sister walked into the room, she sat down on her bed and began looking at her phone. Shit moya thought she had forgotten that her and her sister were sharing a room. She then stuck her hand out of the bed to put her clothes on the ground, under the covers she was now only wearing her cute "absorbent night time underwear". She stuck her hand in her bag and took out a jacket to throw over her handbag as she couldn't risk anyone seeing the drynites she had bought. She then looked in her bag for her panties, but she couldn't find them. She she had another look and realised she must have forgotten to pack them. Shit she thought, she was left with one pair of panties for the whole 1 week trip. She couldn't even put them on now as there was no way she could sneak her current padding off the bed and into the bottom of her bag without her sister noticing. She realized she was just going to have to  wait till the morning.

Truth be told part of her was delighted with this as she could now spend more time in her very slightly soggy new favorite type of underwear, drynites. But of course the other part of her would never admit this. So she lay on her bed, her mind lingering on her little leak into her pull ups today and how she was now wearing that same slightly used pair of drynites to bed, while her hand slowly felt the drynite, this was the first time she got to properly touch feel the padding, it was as soft as it felt under her ass. As she finally drifted of to sleep aided by the softness and comfort of what she was wearing she thought to herself about how that little leak actually somehow didn't feel bad and actually felt nice and how it would feel to properly wet the drynites. Of course she would never do that, willingly that is.

Sorry about the slow progress of this chapter, I just don't want to rush it. Anyway if you have any tips or suggestions please leave a comment

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