Hurt Rain 1/2

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The person on the floor, raised up his head to look on boy who was tide up, and with bruses on his face. The tall figure smirk on both of them

-I came as you wanted. Bow let him go!

-But Venice, darling i just started. You see bc of your father and your familly i can't kill you, no matter how much i want. But this boy? I can hurt you trow him.

-No please! Let Rain go. Please

But the guy only smirk and order his man to hold Rain tight. Rain tryed to fight but he only get more punches. Guy who order his man to hold Rain, get a baseball bat. Venice tryed to stop the person, but he got kicked in face what made him spit out blood.

-Bad Dog.

Said guy and get closer to Rain until he stod in front of him. Rain look scared.

-Please sir let P Payu go! Pleas-

he was interrupted in the Talking by a heavy blow. The guy in front of him hit him with baseball bat. Rain cryed out from pain. Guy in front of him hit him again, and Again.

-No stop. Stop it!

Venice yelld but he was hold and couldn't do anything. He saw Rain start to spit blood. Every time when he bends over in pain, the men holding him lifted him upright and he was met with another blow.

-Stop! Please Stop! You hurting him!

-That is whole point Venice.

After he said that the guy, put baseball bat aside and take gun from one of his man. When Venice saw this his blood get cold. He was scared. He tryed to get free to helo his lover.

-Say goodbye to VenVen

Guy said when he grab Rains cheek and squeez it too hsrd. Rain was to weak to speak, he could barely keep his eyes open. He was already beaten up before Venice came, and he was beaten up now, and he couldn't handle pain anymore. He look at Venice and his eyes get wet and silent teras start falling down.

-Aww look baby cry. Don't worry, you wil lstop crying soon

Guy said and he grab Rains head and lifted it up in position that Venice can look at his lover. Than he pull gun and put it on Rains head.

-Say goodbye Venice


Before Guy could pull the triger, they all hear shoot and not only one. More than one. The people run away while guy grab rain and hold him in front of himself with gun on his head. Rain was too weak to fight, and man who was holding him was stronger than Rain anyway.



Two guys with their mans run in and start runnig towards Venice, while their man point guns to person who hold Rain.

-Vegas, Pete long time no see

-Let the kid go Tawan

Said Vegas, while Pete help Venice to get up.

-You want me to let him? Gladny

Everything happend like in slowmotion. The guy pull the trigger, they heard gun shot. Venice scream as Rains body fall on the floor. The mans start shooting at Tawan, and Venice somehow run to Rain on the floor rain open your eyes!


-Call the ambulance Pa! Quickly! Rain. Rain love open your eyes please. For me, please

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