How it all went wrong 5/?

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Before you start reding, i want to tell you this chapter will be heavy, and painfull, so be warned. You read on your own risk. I love you all, and enyoj.


Vegas and Sky enter the mantion, as they entered Venice run to the door expecting to see Rain, but instead he saw Sky and Vegas

-Dad, where is Rain and Pa?

-Venice i need you to calm down first

-No, dad tell me

Porsche came to Venice and hug him

-Take it easy Ven.

Said Porsche and looked at Vegas.

-They took him. They took Pete and Rain

Vegas felt weight of this words now, it was so difficult to say that and hold himself calm, because he need to be strong for his son rightnow.

-W....what do you mean? Dad tell me this is some kind of sick joke to teach me lession, please!

-I am sorry Venice, but this isn't a joke Ven.

Venices eyes filled with tears. He turned and hugged porsche as hard as he can. It was difficult to Porsche too. He love that kid, and he love his best friend too. But he, same as Vegas, hold his tears.

-Who took them?

Asked Porsche and looked at Vegas. Who was now hugging crying Sky.

-It was mans who worked for my Pa and Kinns Pa. He was Lead by father right hand. His name is Cho, i am shure you know his two sons Venice, you too sky

Venice and Sky turned their heads confused to look at Vegas.

-Stop and Gun

Dead silent was now so big that you could cut it with butter knife

Now it goes heavy part, so if you can't stand Violence and one more thing that i will not mentoned here you can skip it.

-So pete long time no see

-Shut up Cho

-Ccc i would be carefull how i speak to me if I was you. You don't want your precious Rain to be hurted?

Rain as he was tide up for that table and almost naked rised his head to look at Pete with fear and tears in his eyes that never fall.

-What do you want Cho. I understand why you caught me, but why Him!?

-Oh i will tell you, my two sons have UNFINISHED buisness with this boy here and his boyfriend, and what kind of father will I bee if i don't let them to finish that and than send this boy back to his boyfriend. All used like  slice of dirty meat on street that even a dogs don't want to have

Evil grin appeir on his face as he said

-Boys! Come in

Petes and Rains head snap at door as two boys enter the room. Rains eyes go wide

-No... No... No...

He tryed to free himself

-Well hello brat, long time no see

Said first boy with evil smirk on his face

-you will pay for what you did, to Stop and Me you bastard

Said other boy

-Boys, slow down, gun why don't you and Stop came and greet Rain

Said Cho and Stop and Gun start walking towards rain


Rain yelled scared and mad


but rains words was cut with cloth in his mouth

-as much as i want to hear your screaming and begging i more vant to see you all crying as Stop and I use every hole on your body.

Said gun and smirk.

-than sons, i will leave you to have fun

Cho smirk and walk out the room. Before that he put gag in Petes mouth so he will not be able to speak. As cho leave the room Stop and Gun walk look at Rain with evil smirk, and start taking their own clothes. Rain tryed to free himself, but he only manage to get  slap each time from Gun

-this will be so much fun

Said gun and stop agree with him. As they both was in their boxers, tey rip off rains underwear

-will you do this first, or me?

Asked Stop and Gun said

-you can use his hole, i will use his mouth. He is slut he will love it

In the baxkgroumd Pete tryed to scream and free himself, to save Rain. But he couldn't do anYThing. He couldn't watch, he couldn't watch how they will ruin Rain, his sunshine boy.

Pete watched as Gun rabedd rain and put his member in his mouth and than Stop enter him with full force, rain's scream will forever hunt pete.

Rain beged, cryed, anything for them to stop. But they didn't. They just laugh and continue. At some point stop was too rough that Rain's hole start bleeding.

-look little slut is all bleeding on my cock!


-you fucking whore!


-Brother let me exchange place with you, let him suck your bloody cock

Said Gun and stop agreed, he pull out of rain, who was shaking too much. Gun came and put in his member as hard as he can, rain screamed loudly with crying who was so painfull. Stop show his member in rains mouth to make him to ahut up.

Pete wanted to trow up. They used him, on all sort of position and all sort of ways. He turn his head on side, tears start falling down his cheeks. He faild rain, he couldn't save him.

At one point after few hours rain just lay down, with no other reaction on his face. Only tears who was still falling down his cheeks. He couldn't take anymore. He was tired in pain, hurt. He bleeded so much, he was beaten. His colorfull soft skin,  not turning pale with all bruises on it. As he cryed he heard somethinf that make his blood run cold

-Atop bring me small knife from table, i don't like who his nipples look like

Stop pull out rains mouth and go to get the knife

When pete hear this he start yelling. This was sick! He wanted to kill them so much!  He yelled and cryed for them to don't do that to rain.

-shut up old man, i will do with my new sex toy what i want! Said gun as he took knife from stop

-now, let's start from here

He put knife on Rains lower belly and pres it hard enough to blood start going slowly and painfull. Rain screamed so loud with tears in his eyes. But Gun didn pay attention, instead he started pulling knife up leaveing bloody cut all over rain. Untill he came to rain nipples.

-what do you think brother. Maybe i can make him piercing on his mipple?

He laugh maiacly, and stop follows.

-that is good idea brother, after that we can make his piercing on his cock too

Stop laugh like mad man and gun followed. Everything happemd too fast, only thing that was heard was Rain's Scream that almost break amd glass all around. Blood start runnign a lot as stop and Gun laighed. And than



Sorry for long wait i got new job, and i got aick. But chapter is here. Feel free to leave comments. And sorr for mistakes, i do my nails and i will need few days to learn how to type with this

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