How it all went wrong 4/?

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Sky and Rain was together in Skys apartment. They were laying on Skys bed and cuddle. Rain was still sad, he find comfort in skys warm hugs, and gentle words. As they both laying there peacefully, someon knock at door. They look at each other, it was too Late, skys boyfriend is on buisness trip. Sky slowly get up and came closer to door and Rain grab Skys phone ready to call Pete or Vegas.

As sky look trought the spy on door he saw two man in black. He signalised Rain to call someon as he stayed silent and didn't open the door.

Rain tryed to call Pete or Vegas, he even tryed to call Venice but no one answered.

the knocking was now bangin and yelling at door. sky locked the door quickly and run to rain

-Rain what will we do now

Rain think for a moment and than he turned to sky

-Go to my bedroom here, and move bed, you will see, a small door. you will open it enter there and close. it was tunel that lead you to hall outside of apartment. when you reach there run and delay one of this two numbers i type on your phone

-WHAT! You think i will leave you alone here? you are crazy

-One of us need to escape so he can told Pete or Vegas what happend. and that will be you. now go

as rain said that they startbanging on the door even harder as door start moving, almost falling. Rain oush sky into bedroom and grab a gun he hide in one of Skys desks.

The door fall down and not two, it's five man that enter the aoartment

-ah the one we searching for

one of them said

-Come here you little shit

other one said and rest of them came to grab Rain but he pull out gun and stare at them

-Don't think i will not pull the triger

Rain said looking at five mans, he tought he win this untill they all pull out their guns

-Put the gun down you little shit

Said third one. as they prepared to shoot Rain, he slowly put his gun down, one of the man came to him as Rain tryed to fight, the man grab his gun and hit rain in head making poor boy fall unconcious on the floor.

first one pull out phone and delay number. he waited untill the person on the other line connected

-We got the boy Boss

said the first one

-Great, bring me Varain. That little peace of shit will pay!

The line disconnected. he put phone in his pocked and came to the Rain unconcious body, than picked him up.

-Let's go, boss said to bring him the kid

-What will we do eith another one?

asked forth man

-What Other one?

asked firstone

-Boy was here with one more boy. they were together here

said Forth man

-Losten i don't care about that boy. je didn't saw us, he was maybe locked in bathroom. leave him there

said the first and start walking out of apartment, followed by four others.

In meantime, when Rain push Sky into bedroom, he closed the door. sky wanted to go out but he knew that he must not do that. he listen, he listend what happening. untill he heard guns being preoared. he, with his phone in his hand. did what rain said to him

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