How it all went wrong 2/?

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*Two days earlier*

*At Vegas and Pete room*

As Pete lay next to Vegas, Vegas imidiatelly hug him and kiss his forhead

-Hey baby, long day?

Asked Pete and look at his husband

-Yes, really long and hard.

Said Vegas as he pulled Pete closer to him in tighter hug

-What happend babe, you never been this clingy

-Just, this day was big shit, and i just want to cudle with you love

Said Vegas, and that make Pete giggle and kiss his husband. He couldn't describe with words how much he love Vegas.

-Well, who am I to not give my Husband what he need.

As they hug eachother, and went in their little love world, they were interupted with shouting and yelling and breaking. They both jump scared and run out of room, only to finda Phayu and Rain fighting, and oh boy, that was a mess


Shout Rain angry at Phayu who became even angryer

-How could I? Who are you to put your nose in MY BUISNESS

-I am your fiance if you forgot Phayu! You hide that from me! How Could You

Phayu got so angry that he grab near vase and trow in next to Rain, as Rain flinch Phayu shout

-Why you need to know everything? You are not that important for me to tell you everything. So what, i didn't tell you that I went on a dinner with my Ex, so what? Why are you make scene about that??

Vegas wanted to interupt but Pete hold him. And show him look to stay calm.

-You really ask me that! Are youfucking kidding me

Rain pull his phone and show Phayu picture. When Phayu see picture he went froze

-w...where did youget that!

-is it important? No, what is important is that youfucking cheat on me Phayu! Cheat! We are engaged! How could you!

Rain scream and trow his own phone at Phayu. Phayu quickly dodge and phone hit the wall and break

-It's over! We are over!

Said rain and take of his ring and trow it at phayu, than in socks and pajamas run out the house. Pete was quick to run after him, and Vegas only stare into Phayu

-Why son?

Was all Vegas could said, and Phayu felt embarased. that was... A mistake..

-Mistake? Do you realized what you did, and how you talk to that boy an minute ago. Phayu what gotten in you? Pete and I didn't raised you like this.

Phayu went silent. His Dad never been this embarased and guilty in his whole life.

Meanwhile, Pete ran after Rain as he tried to call out to him, but the boy couldn't hear him over the volume of his sobs. Rain run untill he reach his parents house, and he run into garden and sit in front of door and start crying.

Two minutes After Rain, Pete run into garden and look at boy who was sitting in front of his old house. He sat next to rain slowly and pull him close into a hug

-Rain, baby talk to me


-Rain, please. I am here for you just talk

-It's over Pa, it's over

When Pete heard this words his heart break on tiny pieces. He wanted to cry together with Rain, but he knew he need to be strong, for boy.

-What do you mean by that Rain

-I mean that is over. He said it himslef. I am no one important. So i will let him go.

-But Rain...where will you live? What about money? What about food. You can't on your own, not now when your parents are gone.


Started Rain with shaking voice

-I will be okay. Don't bother with me. Go home, i am not longer part of your family, so you don't need to take care of me.

Every word that Rain said, stab Petes heart. But he knew. He knew boy is right. But he love that boy. Everyone love that boy. How will everything be without him? So many questions and not one answer.

-Go P'Pete, go home.

-but where will you sleep tonight? You can't sleep here in front of house.

-I will go to my friend sky. I will sleep with him. If you don't believe me Phi youcan drive me to his dorm.

Pete noded.

-Phi can you give me your phone? I broke my.

-yh shure Rain. Don't wory.

Pete gave rain his phone and rain called sky


-Hey sky..

-Rain, it's midnight, why are you calling from this number. Are you ok? Did something happend?

-sky...can i come to sleep tonight with you? Please.

-Yh, yh ofcourse you can. Do you want me to come and pick you up?

-No, P'Pere will drive me to your dorm

-okay Rain. I will rpepare tea for you and me. Come here safetly. Ly

-Love you to sky

He hangup and give pete his phone

-Let's go rain, you will show me where to drive. Go stand there i need to make a call

As rain left to stande where he was told to stand. Pete daily number

-Pete! My god where are you and Rain

-we are okay Vegas. Don't worry.

-how is he?'s over's over

Silent on the other side of line was big and could be cut with knife

-i need one of Bodyguard to drive Car to the Rains old home


-He will sleep tonight athis friends house, so i will drive him. But unfortunately i got out running behind him instead to take car.

-okay i will tell them

-Thank you love. And how is Venice?

-Silent. I just stare in one spot and reepat "It's my fault". I still can't believe he would do something like that

-me too. But wait till i come back so we both will talk with him, to see what is problem

-okay babe. Ly, be safe

Vegas hang up call and Pete came to rain

-Car will arrive soon, i will drive you to your friends house.

-Okay P'Pete. Thank you. And please hug P'Vegas, and P'kinn and P'Porsche and P'khun from me. I am not part of the family anymore but i will miss them so much.

Pete justhug rain with one weak "okay" and they stayed that hugged till one of guards  drive car to their lication.


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