Never Again 2/?

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Big's heart raced as he struggled against the grip of the gorillas, desperately trying to gasp for air. His vision blurred, and a heavy darkness closed in around him. But in those fleeting moments, he had managed to send the message. He held onto that small glimmer of hope as he fought against the overwhelming force that held him captive.


Rain could feel the weight of the world lifting off his shoulders as he started his journey to the unknown. He had made the difficult decision to forgive those who had wronged him and embark on a path of healing and self-discovery. He had learned that forgiveness didn't mean forgetting, but rather freeing himself from the burden of anger and resentment.

As Rain packed his bags, he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and curiosity. He had heard whispers of a place tucked away in the mountains, a sanctuary that provided solace and rejuvenation for those seeking a reprieve from the chaos of everyday life. It was there that he hoped to find the clarity and peace he craved.

-You are leaving?

Said his father Vegas standing at the door frame of the room. Looking at his son

-Yes Dad. I am ready

Said Rain with tears in his eyes that didn't fall. Vegas came to him and hugged his son.

-Don't cry, you need to rest a little. Your Pa told me to wish you good luck and we'll rest. He couldn't make it

-I know dad. I love both of you. I will miss you so much

-We will miss you too buddy

Wegas hugged his son onec more before letting him go.

Joined by his faithful bodyguards, Gun and Off, Rain embarked on his journey to the secluded retreat. The scenic landscapes and fresh air of Brazilian mountains offered a respite from the noise and demands of the city. Rain felt a renewed sense of calm and purpose, surrounded by nature's beauty.

Upon their arrival, Rain was greeted by the caretaker, an elderly man named Master Chen. He exuded wisdom and serenity, his eyes sparkling with a knowing gleam. Master Chen guided Rain and his companions to their accommodations, a cozy cabin nestled among tall pine trees.

Days turned into weeks as Rain immersed himself in the routine of self-reflection and growth. Under Master Chen's guidance, he participated in meditation sessions, engaged in thought-provoking conversations, and explored the surrounding wilderness. Rain found solace in the silent introspection, allowing his mind to untangle the complexities of his past and contemplate the possibilities of his future.

Unbeknownst to Rain, a storm was brewing in the shadows. The person who had orchestrated the betrayal and sought to obtain a certain possession in Rain's absence had relentlessly pursued their sinister plans. Armed with a newfound determination, they were convinced that victory was within their grasp.

Back at the city, Kim Theerapanyakul listened to the voicemail Big had left. Concern etched across his face as he frantically gathered the scattered pieces of the puzzle. He knew the stakes were high and rushed to find a way to warn Rain. Time was of the essence, and every second counted.

As Rain delved deeper into his journey of self-discovery, he felt a subtle shift in the atmosphere around him. The tranquility was disrupted by an underlying tension, a feeling that something was about to shatter the peaceful facade. His instincts whispered a warning, and he couldn't ignore the unease that settled in his gut.

One evening, as Rain sat by the crackling fireplace in his cabin, a knock echoed through the wooden door. Gun and Off exchanged wary glances before opening it cautiously. Standing before them was Kim Theerapanyakul, his eyes filled with urgency and concern.

"Rain, we need to talk. It is a matter of utmost importance," Kim said breathlessly, his voice trembling with a sense of urgency.

Rain's heart skipped a beat as he took in the gravity of Kim's words. He motioned for Kim to enter, and together they sat, their eyes locked in a shared determination to unravel the secrets that threatened their very existence.

Little did they know, the storm was inching closer, its dark clouds gathering ominously overhead. The fragile sanctuary they had found in the mountains would soon be shaken to its core, forcing them to confront the demons that had been lurking in the shadows.

As raindrops began to fall, splattering against the windows, Rain, Gun, Off, and Kim prepared themselves for the battles that lay ahead. The time for forgiveness and healing had passed; now they needed to gather their strength, unite their forces, and protect what was rightfully theirs before it slipped through their fingers forever.

As Rain was processing everything he heard he look at his uncle and ask

-Did you tell Pa and Dad?

Kim look at Rain and sigh

-Yes, yes I did. I am not crazy to lie to them, I love my life. They will be in caution. Everything will be fine

-I need favor uncle

-Yes Varain, tell me

-Send someone, to protect Phayu, Pai and Sky. I will not handle to live knowing something had happened to them. Please

-Don't worry Rain, I already took that step.

Rain smile and hugged his uncle tight.

The stage was set for a showdown of epic proportions, where loyalty, resilience, and an unwavering determination to protect what they held dear would be put to the ultimate test. Rain, surrounded by his faithful companions, took a deep breath, steeling himself for the storm that was about to break loose.

What they didn't know is that, while they were in Brazil. Someone took down all guards and got a hold of the three persons that Rain care about.

Love In the air/Kinnporsche One ShotTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang