Rules and Guidelines for the Contests

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The Corner Booth will be hosting a contest about every ten chapters. The following information will be the rules and guidelines for entries in these contests.

New sections will be made when a new contest opens up.

Submissions will be open for three days when a contest is posted. Within that time frame you are allowed to submit a story into the contest. The catch is, these are not your own stories or groups of poems. 

That's right! In the spirit of The Corner Booth, which is about promoting community, you will nominate a story from someone else that you have read and enjoyed.

Submissions will be made in the comments section of the contest posted. When contest #1 is made, you will use the comment box to submit a story that you have read and enjoyed on Wattpad.

A mention of the title isn't how we're going to do this though. Within that nomination, we want you to tell us why you liked the story or groups of poems. What was it that made you fall in love with the story you're nominating? We want you to sell the story to us, you're going to be the salesperson and hook us.

For now we will start with only one submission per person. Depending on entry numbers, this could change.

Judges for these competitions will be panelists that you've seen on The Corner Booth episodes. They will have one week to read the first two chapters of entries, and come up with the top four submissions.

The four selections will be sent to a guest judge who will select the winning entry.

The four winners of each contest will have their story mentioned in a section all of its own inside this book as well as an interview by The Corner Booth.

The grand prize winner will receive a little extra.

These nominations shouldn't just be thrown around. We want you to nominate not only someone who has a story that you love, but also someone who really represents community on Wattpad. Someone who helps others, reads stories, and leaves thoughtful comments. Please keep that in mind when selecting a nomination.

NOTE: No entries posted in this chapter or on TheCornerBooth page will be accepted. The first contest has not opened yet. When it opens, only entires posted on the chapter designated for the contest will be accepted.

Corner Booth ContestsWhere stories live. Discover now