Contest #1

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Episode 10 has happened everyone! (Woot!!) That means it's time for our first Corner Booth Contest, so how about I tell you what that means.

Submit a story or group of poems to us, one from someone else on Wattpad that you really enjoy. Use the comment below to tell us the name of the story and who it's by. Also tell us the reason you're nominating it. What about the story drew you in, what did you like? You're trying to hook the judges, reel them in like a fish, so use that space below wisely!




Why that story is so special to you

Submissions will close FRIDAY 5-29-15 at 11:59 pm EST

The judges will have one week to read the first two chapters of the entries. They will pick the top four stories. Those four stories will then be sent to our guest judge who will choose the top story.

The top four will all get a mention in this book as well as a little interview done by TCB that will be placed along their mention. The grand prize winner will get a little extra swag to go on top of that.

Make sure you only submit an entry here in the comments. Only entries submitted in here will be taken. And only ONE nomination per person.

Again, you have three days to submit a story, that's FRIDAY, May 29th by 11:59pm EST

Our judges for this competition will be:

Mary L. Tabor—@maryltabor

Sarah Benson—@SarahBensonBooks

Brittanie Charmintine—@BrittanieCharmintine

Rita Kovach—@rskovach

And our guest judge who will choose the grand prize winner, will be Samantha @samantha

Submit your entries below!

Corner Booth ContestsWhere stories live. Discover now