My First Love (Part 1)

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~Has a stuttering problem but only when she's flustered or nervous
~Says 'freakin' a lot

I'm glad I'm an only child. Trust me. But it has it advantages. Like eating all their cake on their birthday. Or having someone to talk to that isn't your parents. Or, in my case, having siblings to save me from these bullies.

"Cmon Tracy! Just give us money so we can go buy snacks!" Ethan kicked me. His friends joined in. "Stop it jerks!" I snapped. I tried to block myself, but it wasn't helping the fact that I was still getting beat to a pulp. "You freak! That's why no one wants you!" Jovani shoved me. "Haha! Cmon guys, look how helpless she is. We should stop!" Claudia laughed sarcastically. "Poor thing. Her parents didn't want her either. She totally useless" Abigail chuckled. "Haha! You guys!" Bianca laughed. "I'm surprised she can afford school" Cat scoffed.

"And I'm surprised you're still even in this school. I thought they didn't allow snotty brats who think the world revolves around them" I snapped back. "You fucking witch! What'd you just say to me?!" Cat snapped. What in the actual freak is wrong with this girl?

Cat was about to slap me, but someone's hand stopped her from behind me. "Oh. Chris! What is it?" She blushed. "Are you really that bored to be doing this Catherine?" He smiled. It was a fake. I could tell.

"N-no! We were just playing around. But hey Chris! Ethan told me about this new game bla bla bla" Cat took his arm and dragged him away. He looked back at me before me was out of sight.

Why did Christian help me?

I got up and walked back towards the school where we were having recess. When I got there, I sat on the swing alone. I didn't have friends and I didn't have parents. I'm alone.

I felt my eyes water. No. If anyone saw me, they'd say I'm a freakin cry baby and make fun of me. I ran to the inside of the building, to the top floor outside and leaned against the wall.

I started sobbing.

Why do I even exist? I'm an orphan, living at a really terrible orphanage. No one talks to me because of that fact. And my freakin parents didn't want me. I should just die.

"I think you're fine" I heard, and felt a hand on the head. My head shot up. Christian? "W-what are you doing here?" I asked, my voice sounded groggy. "I come here to chill. What about you?" He asked me. I looked away. "I'm just sad. That's all".

I sighed. "No one likes me and-". "You can't say that anymore. I did say I thought you were fine" he grinned at me. I was speechless. "Don't bother. You'll probably get made fun of too" I managed to get out. "I don't care about those losers. In fact, I don't care about what anyone says about me. It's like a superpower isn't it" he stood like a silly hero.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Yea! I wish I had that superpower" I giggled.

But then reality kicked in and my smile faded.

Christian looked at me and sighed. "I'll tell you what. If you let me be your friend. And I'll give you my superpowers" he said, holding out his hand to help me up.

After a moment, I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. "Deal?" He asked.

I couldn't help but smile. The way he looked at me was different from the others. He made me feel valuable.



We walked back in class holding hands. I felt so flustered and my heart was pounding. I wish I had the superpower of reading minds, that way I knew what everyone was thinking since all eyes were on us.

Class didn't start yet, so once Christian and I sat down, we were crowded by people. "What are you doing with that freak?". "Are you guys girlfriend and boyfriend?". "Isn't she an orphan?" "Christian have you lost your mind?". "Why would a rich boy want a poor orphan?". "Why are sitting with the poor girl?".

Christian was drowned with questions. Negative questions about me. I frowned. I knew this wasn't a good idea.

"I need every single one of you dingbats to beat it. Am I clear?" He glared at every single one of them, making them scram within a second.

I felt someone grab my shoulder. I turned around and saw Claudia. "Cmon Tracy. Why don't you sit with us, you're friends" she smiled.

It was pretty obvious that she just wanted me to get away from Christian.

Lucky for me, I've got a new superpower.

"No thanks, and you guys aren't my friends. Are you delusional? And if you're that desperate, I'm gonna have to decline. I don't like weirdos" I said to her, without a care in the world. Claudia moved her hand, her face was red. I heard a bunch of 'Oooh's from the part of the class that really didn't care about any of this.

Claudia stomped away. I didn't smile, cuz that would look a little corny.

I glanced at Christian who was staring at me. "W-what?" I asked him. He leaned close to me and brushed my hair out my face. "You didn't smile" he smirked. I felt my heartbeat shoot up and my cheeks burn. "Y-yea well I can't smile now, because you said it" I pouted.

"Not even with my superpowers of great greatness" He asked making a silly face.

I snorted and broke out in laughter.

"See, there it is"


He was my first friend and my first love.

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