My First Love (Part2)

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"I'm back!" I yelled throughout the mansion. "Welcome home Master Christian" George the butler said. "What's up G. Where my mom?" I asked him. "Your mother's upstairs in her office" he replied. "K, thanks". I walked upstairs and to my mom's office.

"Mom" I said. She was sitting at her desk on her phone. "Christian, is that you?" She asked. "Yes. I have a question mother. It's about a girl I like". Mom's head shot up, and she tossed her phone away, probably shattering it. "Your phone...".

"Don't worry about it. I'll buy a new one. Anyway, come tell me about this lucky girl Christian" mom said holding her hands out for me. I walked towards her and sat on her lap. "So Christian," she began brushing my wavy hair.

"Is she worthy of you?" She asked me.


I held my face before I walked in. I can't have people seeing my fucked up face like this. Especially not in this freakin high school, where I have people targeting me.

I ran to the school restroom and moved my hand off my face when I looked in the mirror. Damn you David.

David was an orphan at my orphanage just like me, but unfortunately he has a freakin grudge against me, for some odd reason, meaning he beats me up whenever he wants to. I hate that place so freakin much.

I walked out of the restroom with a hand over my cheek and immediately bumped into someone.

Is it just me or does freakin Christian get hotter everyday?

"Christian geez!" I rubbed my forehead. Christian glared at me, making me flinch. "What happened to your face?" He questioned me. Shit! I moved my hand when I bumped against his chest. And sadly yes, I am that short. Don't laugh cuz it's not funny.

"I-I uhm. I fell on my face. Heh. Y-you know me. C-clumsy" I joked. He grinned. "Trace, we both know you're a bad liar. And you stutter when you're nervous or lying" he said, patting my head like he always does. I felt my cheeks burn. "That doesn't freakin prove anything" I pouted. Christian sighed. "I guess you're right" he sighed.

The bell suddenly rang.

"Alright Christian, see yah later" I smiled to him. "See yah" he walked off.

I walked towards class, but before I knew it, the second bell rang. I started running but I bumped into someone and fell on the floor, hurting my leg. I winced.

"Could you watch where you're- oh, it's you" I sighed. Cat was standing right before me. "Get lost poor girl" she spit.

Did she lose her mind or something?

"Girl freakin check yourself. Or I'm gonna make you cry again" I stood and smirked at her. She looked pissed. I was walking away, but she grabbed my hair, and yanked it before I could. "You bitch!" She snapped. I grabbed Cat arm and pushed it off, then I slammed her into a locker. "Awe what a baby. Is it because Christian doesn't like you? How pathetic. Aren't you dating Elijah? Is his dick not big enough?" I questioned her.

I finally got a chance to walk away. "You're still an orphan with no parents. I bet Christian's just friends with you for his family's reputation" she said. I walked away faster.

Whatever. What does Cat know anyway?


After class, I walked towards my locker. The crowded halls were insane. I didn't want to bump into anyone and cause trouble, because knowing these people, they'll get mad over any little thing.

I was suddenly shoved to the locker. "Agh! What the heck?!" I questioned. I saw Claudia standing there smirking. "You freakin-". I was attempting to charge at her but I was pushed on the ground. It was Jovani.

Cat walked up to me while I was still down and poured a ice cold slushie on my body, making me gasp.

"Do you worst Elijah" Cat smirked, she and her friends walking away. Elijah grabbed me and put me over his shoulder. "Let me go you fucker!" I snapped and shouted. I tried to escape, but his grip was hella tight.

He carried me all the way to the empty boys lockers room and threw me down. I groaned. "Honestly, I had my objections to doing this, considering how much I hate you," he said while taking his shirt off. I flinched. "But then again, you've got a nice body, so you'll do. And virgin pussy is the best" he grinned.

I backed up against the wall with my legs in fear. "E-Elijah just leave me alone. P-Please?" I begged him. I'm scared.

I'm so scared. me.

"Hearing you beg makes it even harder to stop" he chuckled. He started to lift up my shirt.

Thankfully, Elijah was suddenly punched down, by none other than Christian, my guardian fucking angel. I let out a sigh of relief. How am I supposed to come back to school knowing Cat's gonna pull some shit like this again?

I looked at Christian. His was still punching Elijah. Geez! If he doesn't stop, he's gonna freakin kill him!

"C-Christian stop it! Cmon that's enough" I said, trying to pull him off. He looked at me, and sighed. Christian got off of Elijah and then picked me up all of the sudden. I could feel myself blushing. "W-what are you doing?" I asked him. "We're going to my house" he said, after walking out of the boys locker room.
"B-but what about-". "You're hurt" he said, making it out of school.

My heart was going freakin crazy. Is it wrong to have a crush on your best friend? I hope not. Because I feel as if I've fallen deeper down that hole. He's all I have. So I have to make sure I don't get any deeper than I already am. Falling in love could ruin our friendship.

And id rather die than ruin our friendship.

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