Chapter 3: Escape from the Dursley's

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Harry laid on the bed in the smallest bedroom at 4 privet Drive, thinking of his past memories which he now had full access to.

He had already finished his homework in the first week of the dull, hot and boring school holidays. His chore list from his so called 'relatives' had been long as ever and the days go just as slowly.

It's not fresh news that Harry hated his relatives, I mean who wouldn't?

They made him do chores since the age of 4, keeping him in the cupboard under the stairs and starving him.

It's technically abuse!

He also recalled Helga Hufflepuff had made a prophecy of their return a millennium after they die. All he knew was that him, Godric and Rowena had died a year before Helga, this probably must mean Helga is n Hogwarts but a year younger than the three of us.

If Salazar remembered the prophecy right, it went like this;

'The four creators of Hogwarts, will be born again.

To help or to seek revenge

To join the branches of Magic together and stop them from faltering between each other

The four rejoice with one another

  Godric Gideon Gryffindor will be born on 30th July 1980, sorted in Gryffindor all though he was loyal and kind, just like a Hufflepuff

Rowena Rosalie Ravenclaw will be born on 19th September 1979, sorted in Gryffindor but certainly has the Witt's to rival a Ravenclaw

Helga Harper Hufflepuff will be born on 13th February 1981, sorted in Ravenclaw although Hufflepuff would've suit her well

Salazar Sebastian Slytherin will be born on 31st July 1980, sorted in Gryffindor even though Slytherin would've helped him on his way to greatness

That's when it hit Harry like a train.

HERMIONE! 'Mione was born on 19th September 1979 and had the wits, intelligence and creativity of a Ravenclaw! Harry always thought he had some kind of pull towards her, the one similar to Rowena, a magic sibling pull.

Godric might be...Ron...? Wait no, scratch that, Ron wasn't born on 30th July 1980. Who cou-NEVILLE! Neville I should've known! He was almost sorted in Hufflepuff and was born on that day!

So Helga might be...Luna? Harry had known Luna since last year when he stopped some older years from bulling her and hit them with a slug hex, his unlike Ron's didn't backfire so that was that.

Luna's born on 13th February 1981, and was almost sorted in Hufflepuff.

Harry fell of his single bed in the attempt to snatch  parchment and a quill from his small desk to write down the newfound information. He dipped his eagle quill ink and neatly, but quickly wrote;

The Kind Helga Harper Hufflepuff - Luna Lovegood (possibly)

The Smart Rowena Rosaline Ravenclaw - Hermione Granger (possibly)

The Idiot Godric Gideon Gryffindor - Neville Longbottom (possibly)

The Amazing Salazar Sebastian Slytherin - Harry Potter


Harry begrudgingly made his way down stairs after getting his birthday presents from Hermione, Ron and a Hogwarts letter with the Hogsmead form.

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