Chapter 17: Daayum Quidditch

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It was a horrible day, full of rain and a small speck of joy, for the Quidditch match that was coming up. Harry walked into the Great Hall and calmly sat down next to Hermione, sending a smile towards the group. 

"Todays a lively morning isn't it?" Asked Hermione, starting up a conversation.

"If you would call it a morning..." Ron trailed off, glancing at the dark windows as heavy rain thundered upon it. "Honestly, How will the Gryffindor team even play?"

Ron had felt like there was something off with Harry, Hermione and Neville...they all looked so...different? Harry came up with making his hair straighter and slithering a hint of green it in (get it? Slithering- okay I'll stop...) and getting rid of his glasses! Hermione got her hair to be tamed as well! Neville...we'll, he seemed so confident...

"We'll just have to try our best. I mean we have been practicing in the rain, haven't we?" Harry's voice said, bringing Ron out of his thoughts, maybe one day he'll solve this mystery, maybe one day...

"So, Slytherin versus Gryffindor, aye?" Neville grinned, obviously having a sole reason.

"Actually, the tables have turned," Harry sighed. He didn't get much sleep due to Wood's longest training that had stretched out all the way to the morning. 

"It's Hufflepuff versus Gryffindor, because apparently Malfoy's arm is still in pain so he won't be able to play in the Seeker position. But we all know, it's because the Slytherin team doesn't want to play in these conditions."

"you'll be flying around, and with probably get warm, while we'll use have to sit in the stands in the goddamn wind!" Ron whined. 

"Harry..." Neville asked staring into space.


"Will you die?"



"-Today is the day Gryffindor is going to win!"

Wood had just finished pep-talking everyone and annoyed them all out of their Witts. They could've spent the time practicing, bUt NoOo, Wood just had to give that cursed talk that he gave every Quidditch match.

Though Salazar would've wanted Slytherin to win, this generations Slytherins were real pompous prats.

Quite a shame to Salazar, but oh well-

The Gryffindor team strutted into the pitch, around the same time the Hufflepuff team made an entrance.

Of course Lee Jordan was doing the commentary- wait a second...Was that Luna?!

"Why Hello, fellow Hogwarts students! It's me, ya boi, Lee Jordan! And today we are accompanied by dear, lovely Luna Lovegood!"

"Hello Hogwarts!" Helga said happily into the microphone with her dreamy persona on.

"HERE COME THE HUFFLEPUFF TEAM," Lee shouted in excitement. "Keeper, Herbert Fleet, Chasers, Malcolm Preece, Heidi Macavoy and Tamsin Applebee, Beaters, Maxine O'Flaherty and Anthony Ricket! And of course, the Seeker and Captain of the team, CEDRIC DIGGORY!" 

The crowd cheered louder at that prospect, almost deafening.

this time, Luna was going to introduce the Gryffindor team, quite a mix up really. Lee Jordan doing the Hufflepuff's and Luna doing the Gryffindor's.

"Now here come the team we have yet to introduce," she spoke into the magical microphone. "The Gryffindor team! And it seems like they have changed the team up a bit! Keeper and Captain Oliver Wood, Chasers Alicia Spinnet, Katie Bell and Harrison Potter!-" the crowd cheered in excitement (ya know, because he's the; #boy-who-can't-die) ,"Beaters, Fred and George Weasley, and last but not least, the Seeker being the one and only Angelina Johnson!"

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