Chapter 15: A cup of tea and a nice chat

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this random art that I made -v-, and yes, the cloths are somewhat originated from demon slayer 

Third P.O.V

" will we wake him up?" Asked Helga, plainly confused at the limp body, afraid if he was dead.

"Stab it!" Offered Godric, pulling out a knife from his pocket  (don't ask how it got there...)



It had seemed that the yelling had worked, as Sirius shifted around in his seat and his fingers twitching. He bleary opened his eyes and adjusted them to the bright light coming from the magic fairy lights that Helga forced Salazar to add in the potion part of his quarters.

"W-where am I? Oh-wait never mind. Are you really Harry Potter?" He questioned.

"Yes? I said that like a few minutes ago," Harry answered back, wearily.

"How the hell do you not have any glasses or messy hair?" The Azkaban escapee queried calmer than he felt, cause man, did he feel like screaming right now.

The was some awkward silence...

And more silence...

And more silence-

The stillness was broken by Luna grabbing a tea cup from somewhere in Salazar's quarters and pouring some freshly made tea that she always carries around for some reason. 

"Oh my, I must've forgotten to introduce myself, I'm Luna Lovegood. Would you like some tea?"

This was the second time in the same day that Sirius felt like fainting.

"Uh-yeah sure," Sirius responded, taking the cup from Luna's hands and sipping on it.

"How do you feel right now?" She sympathised, pouring a cup of tea for herself.

"I feel like I got thrown of a cliff, got bashed against foam and then got bashed against concrete, got my soul beaten out and gotten run over by a motorbike ten times..." The dog responded, nearly in tears.

"You poor thing," Helga said as she conjured a chair took a seat next to him. "You must've gone through so much pain and trouble. Anyways since you're innocent, you have a few options to go through. Hermione, the girl with somewhat black and brown hair will tell what those options are."

"Indeed. One, you can get your name cleared out, but with no proper proof, there's no way that we can do that, so fuck that one. Or two, you can stay in one of the Black residents until we find enough proof for your innocence, and yes, I do know that the Black family is an rich family so they should have a few houses aware and a bout."

Sirius definitely felt shocked, and the others must've noticed it, judging by their expressions.

"I think I-I'll be fine with the second option. But don't you think you're too young to be doing this-And you too Harry-"

"Don't worry dear dogfather, we can take care of it," Harry grinned.

"Okay, NOW SHOO!" Helga yelled as she imposed the escapee to go to the floo and go to one of the Black houses and stay there for the while.

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