Chapter 12: Hello, Dis be where Sirius Black be hiding?

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The founders had agreed on searching the school in their Animagus forms until they had found Sirius Black, then they would transform in front of him and force on magic restraining cuffs on him so the serial Azkaban escapee wouldn't hurt them in any shape or form. But, Godric would take care of it.

"O-ooh. That was Black wasn't it? The Azkaban criminal?" Asked a eerie, familiar voice. It belonged to the girl that took form of by the Boggart, except the only difference was that, she wasn't covered in blood and she looked wispy, hovering from the ground. 

The Grey Lady; Helena Ravenclaw.

Rowena knew she wasn't supposed to change back, but she couldn't help it. She stretched into her human form, but took of the glamours on her eyes that made them look brown, now, a blending ocean-like blue.

"Helena...?" Hermione whispered to the ghost.

The said ghost spun around in shock to meet Hermione, and the dead woman's eyes widened.

"Who are you and why do you look like my mother, Rowena Ravenclaw, but younger?!" She spoke harshly at the said mother, only in her incarnated self.

"Believe me or not, I am Rowena Ravenclaw, incarnated as Hermione Granger," Rowena stated, as her eyes started clouding up with tears.

"PROVE IT!" Yelled Helena, who also had tears streaming down her face.

"You, Helena Rene Ravenclaw, had stolen my, Rowena Rosalie Ravenclaw's diadem. You hid it in the forest of Albania, where I had ordered the Bloody Baron, or known as, Roman Ungern von Sternberg to find you, but instead he had stabbed you with a knife and soon stabbed himself as well, a act of suicide for his actions, while I had only got the glimpse of you dying, and rushed towards you. I didn't pay attention to Roman, I did only after he was fully dead on the floor." Tears strung onto Rowena's eyelashes looking at  Helena expectedly as she realised.

The surprising thing that the founders had just found out, was that a ghost could touch a alive person, but a alive person can't touch a ghost...Weird...But, overall a discovery made without any research...except a duo reunion.

"I'm so sorry—" Helena sobbed.

"—I should've help and I—"

"—you didn't know! Still I'm so sorry—"

"—I was never mad!"


"Helena!" Rowena said firmly. "Please stop crying. I forgave you the second you took my diadem! It didn't even enhance intelligence, it only was pretty expensive like my fairy slippers that I loved so much!"

 The trio stood awkwardly, in Salazar's case; akwaracefully, staring at the mother and daughter duo.

"I still don't know why Rowena made staircases that move and wall that have brains to think that they're walls...was she drunk or on drugs that day? It seems believable," Godric commented while Rowena and Helena were breaking down. That had earned him a slap from angry eagle senior, angry eagle junior and a hangry badger 2000.

That spiteful snake just had to stand against the stone wall, smiling mercilessly.

'WHY IN HIPPOGRIFFS GODDAMN, FLIPPING VEGIMITE SAKE?! IM BRINGING IN THE ALTER-EGO OF SALLY WEARING A PINK BALLERINA TUTU ! Muhahahahaahaha *choke* ahahahahaAHAHAHAHA—' Neville got interrupted from his moment by Helga slapping him.



They had searched the halls in their Animagus forms, accompanied by Helena, who refused to leave her mother's side after son many, long and dead years. A thousand and thirteen to be exact. The searching so far, probably hadn't been the best. There was no luck in finding the escapee, so they transformed back. 

It was almost as if he disappeared into thin air...that was the thought until Salazar made up a random suggestion.

"Why don't we check on the Astronomy  tower?"

That was the most out-of-hand thing, Salazar had ever said. 


"You know, it won't hurt checking...and who are you? I didn't ask your name?" Helena said, slightly hasty.

"I'm Harrison Potter, but formerly known as Salazar Slytherin, your mother's magical sibling. If you remember the times I used to teach you in potions, as you blew up my lab? I'm sure you'll recall the nickname you called me." Harry said, smirking slightly at her flushed cheeks of embarrassment.

"Uncle Sal! That was a long time ago! I was only eleven! I missed you so much too...why didn't you come back to the school?"

"I died, Helena. The boy next to me is Neville Longbottom, or known as Godric Gryffindor, the most idiotic bigot. And the girl behind me is Luna Lovegood, or Helga Hufflepuff," Harry introduced, ignoring Neville's offended squawk of "HEY!"

They trudged up the flight of stairs to the Astronomy tower, keeping a silencing charm in place, so that if by any chance they had found Black, they wouldn't alert him and give him the chance to disappear. Again. But, with Godric there, the chances of being dead silent was extremely thin.

Helena took lead as to not arise much suspicion as she was a ghost and ghost's wander around everywhere. They all heard soft whining and deep breaths that of a dog, they all silently shifted back to their human forms and there it was...A Grimm, but by the strong magic the held around it, it seemed like this Grimm was none other than a Animagus, just like them...

Hi, I'm sorry for not updating for some time, and for that I apologise for this short chapter. I just been taking a break since I got bored of writing this for a while and now I have pumped up my motivation!

I hope you enjoy the upcoming chapters!


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