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"Come on bro it's your 21st birthday" Lil Za said "I know man, but I miss her so much" Justin said "Man, she just wanted you for the money, I know you miss her, but you need to live a little" Za said. Justin looked at Lil Za, his eyes were full with tears.
 This is how it was for the past three years. The love of his life, Selena, left him all alone. He couldn't even thing straight, he done some bad things, and he isn't proud of them. "Let's go out" Za said, he knew that his friend needs it right now. "I don't want to" Justin said "Come on man, you need to get out" Za said, he was doing this for the past three years, he wasn't his old friend back. "Okay, but only for you" Justin said.


"I can't wait" Lilian said, in a week she will be eighteen. "Me neither" her best friend, Rose said. They were currently in Lilian's room, they were flipping through the magazine. "Do you like this dress?" Lilian said, she was looking at a black dress. " Yes, it would totally look good on you" Rose said "Do you thing I should buy it" Lilian said "Totally" Rose said.


It will come out when I finish school (19th of June).

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