Chapter 5 training

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When we got to my house Vic took my hand went down the stairs before we went out the door I stopped him and said "wait I have to change I can't be in my pj's all day " I said laughing "oh right" Vic replied blushing I quickly went up stairs put my hair in a bun grabbed a blue long sleeve shirt with white skinny jeans and put on my high tops and ran outside "welcome back are you ready to get training" Vic asked "thank you and yes I am ready to learn" I said with a big bright smile on my face "so today we are going to learn the easy stuff first" "what do you call easy?" I said with my brow up "we are going to learn how to catch your pray " Vic said with evil eyes "WOAH WOAH WOAH IM NOT LIKE GOING TO...kill someone am I?"I said with a worried face "NO NO NO NO your going to work with animals your not ready for humans yet" "oh thank god you scared me there for a second" I said in a relieved tone "now we are going to the woods but we are going to run there and it's not going to be like human running" "then what is it going to be like " I said with a chuckle "watch"Vic replied I watch Vic he gets in this half bend pose then he's off like a Bolt of lightning it was so fast that I thought if I blinked I would miss something Vic turns around and stops right at my face that if I moved out lips would touch I could feel his warm breath on my face his eyes were so amazing I couldn't stop looking at him
....Vic's POV
Ariel looked so beautiful every time she blush's I couldn't help but smile every movement every smile of hers was perfect in every way I quickly turned away I didn't want her to think I was weird to look at her for so long "so um... You think you can run like that" I ask "oh umm... Yeah I can do it" "great lets get started"
..... Ariel's POV
Vic kept looking at me so I kept looking at him we were like this for awhile then Vic turned his head he asked me if I could run like that I answered "oh umm...yeah I can do it" I bit my nails nervously I quickly got in the pose like Vic then boom i was off I felt so free I felt like I could never be controlled I was a wild animal a lion queen of the pride I catch a glimpse of Vic he was running with me I took this as a contest I sped up I ran straight for the woods when I got there I stopped then there came Vic but he wasn't stopping he kept running "oh god " I said he ran right into me he was on top of me "ouch hahahaha" I said laughing I looked into his eyes those magnificent eyes that always keep me in a trance I could feel his chest on mine his breath on my neck I slowly lifted my head to kiss him.... I backed away I couldn't kiss a boy I barley knew I looked away and got up
....Vic's POV
I guess Ariel though this was a competition so I went with it I knew she would get there before me she is the fastest vampire I have ever seen as I was catching up to her I saw her stop I kept going I don't know why but I just did then I felt a sudden pain in my head I look down to see that I have ran into Ariel my chest was touching hers and I saw how even more beautiful she is I wanted to kiss her lips so bad but I couldn't she would hate me if I did so I just laid there looking at her she lifter her head up to my lips I thought she was going to kiss me instead she backed away and got up I was so disappointed I looked away so she couldn't see that I was upset she didn't kiss me
...........Ariel's POV
As I got up I saw Vic turn his head away I feel like I disappointed him I start to feel my cheeks turn red It sucks I can't do anything to make my cheeks stop looking like I put a lot of red blush on I see Vic get up "wow your an amazing runner I have never seen a vampire run so fast before" Vic said with a smile "really wow thanks I don't know what got into me I guess just knowing I was free and feeling the wind in my hair made me want to run faster"I said looking up at the sky with a smile "well now onto hunting" Vic replied we started to walk for awhile "my feet hurt" I said in a whiney voice "stop being a baby" Vic said with a chuckle all of us sudden I hear a tree branch break I grab Vic and pull him into the bush I was in "what what is it?" Vic asked "I heard a noise shh" I said quietly out came a white rabbit "there now is the chance to teach you how to hunt what you want to do is crouch down and slowly but quietly yet quickly bite rabbit in the neck" Vic said "mm..ugh ok I just don't want to hurt the poor thing" I said sadly "it's ok we thank the rabbit for giving its life to us" Vic grabbed me into a hug and wished me good luck I just sat hugging him tighter he smelt like fresh cut flowers it felt so right to be holding him soon it kinda got awkward so I let go and got ready
...............Vic's POV
Ariel grabbed me into the bush I asked what? she told me she heard something out came a white rabbit I told her what to do to get ready she looked at me with a sad face she said she didn't want to hurt the rabbit so I told her that we are thankful that the rabbit is sacrificing his life to us she smiles that beautiful smile that I love I hugged her she hugged me tighter it was like this for awhile then she let go and got into the position
.....................ariel's POV
I got into the position I was very quiet then all of a sudden i ran and was able to pierce my teeth right into the fury neck of the rabbit it was sooo good I didn't want to stop " this is soooo good" I said still sucking "well I'm glad you like it I prefer deer but you just started so.." Vic said with a chuckle
As soon as I was done my face was a mess blood was all over my mouth and hands I looked like a mess but it was so worth it me and Vic hunted for awhile then we raced back to my house we stopped at my door step he gave me a hug we both said goodnight to each other I went into my room grabbed a towel and headed to the shower it felt good to feel the hot water on my skin I started to sing bullet proof love by Pierce the veil "🎶my love for you was bulletproof, but your the one who shot me!!🎶 "Hun I'm home" mom said "oh hey mom I'm just in the shower" I replied "ok what do you want for dinner when you get out?" Mom said back I thought oh god I don't eat human food anymore but I guess eating it won't hurt me "how about some pasta?"I asked "ok sounds good" I turned the shower off grabbed my towel and put on my hello kitty onez since my other one's got ripped I went down stairs and sat at the table with mom " what ever happened to dad?" I ask shyly she stops chewing and looks at me with sorrow eyes " father was a great man he was there for your birth you were his angle you made him smile everyday but your father wasn't ready to be a dad he left one night and never came back" I look down at my food I ask mom "can I be excused" I ask quietly "of course bunny" (bunny=nick name) I walk towards the stairs then run up it I close the door I go to my window pull my knees to my chest and start sobbing as I was crying my tears turn into blood I didn't care at the moment for awhile I just sit there crying I decide to jump out the window I put one foot out then the other. For a second I'm falling then I get the hang of things I start to fly

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