Chapter 12 two truths and a lie

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After Freddy's we all went back to Harriet's Vic helped me out of car before I opened the door Harriet grabbed my shoulder "umm..Ariel me and Alec have to tell you something" Harriet started to bite her nails "me and uhh...Alec are mmm...together" she told me "that's great you guys I'm very happy for you but how did you get together" I asked kinda puzzled "well when me and you were fighting Alec would come over everyday has Alec was very boring but soon it became more than friendship it became romance and now we are together " as she told me this I could help but hug the both of them I got close to there ears and said "I'm very very happy for you guys and I'm glad you are together " they both smiled as I said this we a walked into the house "love I'm going to bed I'm so tired after today" I told Vic "ok my darling I'm gonna hang out with the two love birds down here yell if you need anything " Vic replied back to me I kissed Vic goodnight and headed upstairs I went into the bathroom and got into my pickachu onez with the hood that had pickachu' face on it I slowly walked to the bed I had to position my self so the baby's and I were comfortable then I drifted off to sleep
As I woke up I saw Vic on the other side of the bed with his arm wrapped around me i slowly yet quietly moved Vic arm and tip toed down stairs I went to the fridge to grab some "juice" I walked to the couch with my juice and turned on tlc what not to wear was on "damn that girl needs to cut down on the makeup " I looked up and saw Harriet staring down at me "well good morning to you to I said" chuckling "were is Alec" I asked "oh he is still sleeping what about Vic " she asked "he is sleeping to still" I said back Harriet sat next to me with a bowl of fruit in her hand "so have you had any contractions yet?" Harriet asked me "yeah but there little ones thank god" I said back "wow I wonder what it's like to be a mom?" Harriet asked asked "well so far it feels like little baby. Animals are kicking you 24/7 and sometimes you just want to kick them back but I don't " I said giggling "yeah welp me and Alec are going to wait because this bod needs to be shown off before any kids stretch it out hahahaha" "well good morning. Lady's" Vic said to us "morning" I said "hey is Alec awake yet ?" Harriet asked Vic "yeah he told me to tell you he is just getting dressed" "oh ok well I guess I'll go get dressed as well ill be back in a sec" Harriet told us "good morning princess" Vic said kissing me "good morning my prince" I said back "so what do you have planed for the day " Vic asked "so far nothing I might just look at baby names and stay in my pj's" I took a sip of my juice and took my phone out "hey look at this I got a text from Harriet's mom" I laughed a little

Mrs.S-uh hello Ariel I need you to tell Harriet that I'm not coming back home...ever it's better here than there but yes that's all tata

"What did she say" Vic asked "she
Just wanted me to tell Harriet that she isn't coming back like ever" "oh wow do you think Harriet will take it well" Vic asked "yeah I think she will her and her mom don't have a good relationship she"ll be fine" I said back "aye Harriet!!" I yelled up the stairs "yeah what's up!!" She yelled back "your mom isn't coming back she is staying in Mexico for ever !!!" I yelled back I didn't hear anything then I saw the door knob open "FUCKING FINALLY I GET MY OWN HOUSE YOU ALL LIVE HERE NOW" she said happily "wow she took that very well" Vic said "yeah i told you so " I took another sip of my juice soon after awhile Harriet and Alec came down all dressed "me and Harriet won't be back till about...9:00 we are having a day to ourself's "ok" me and Vic said at the same time Harriet plus Alec Walked out of the house I saw them drive off I pulled out my phone again and started to look up baby names "hey babe?" I said looking at Vic "yeah?" He answered "what do you think about Baden,October,Oli for the baby names " I asked "I think those are beautiful names" he said kissing my all over my face "well guys" I said talking to my belly "your new names are October Oli and Baden" I said I had this huge smile on my face "wow can you believe it we are going to be parents" I squealed "heheh..yeah parents" Vic didn't sound excited at all and it kinda hurt he wasn't "what is wrong " I said with a stern tone "Ariel we need to talk about something serious it's about the topic of baby's" he said slowly sinking into the couch "um ok what is it" I asked getting impatient "well a long time ago and I mean a LONG time Ago when I was with Luna I uhh got her umm preg-pregnant" "..." I was in total shock I couldn't talk "we were going to have twins once she gave birth she was gaining jealously because I paid more attention to our girls instead of her so one afternoon she took them to the middle of nowhere and" Vic stopped talking I could tell he was going to cry I have never seen Vic cry so this was going to be a first but I was ready for whatever happened "sh-she sh-shot -th-them" he said he started to cry I pulled Vic into my shoulder "ssshhh it's ok it's ok don't cry nothing will happen to our baby's everything will be ok" I told him I pulled Vic's face up to mine I pulled his face to my lips I didn't want Vic to worry I was worried but I didn't want him to "nothing will happen we will find Luna and end her" I told him again Vic picked me up and put me on his lap he kissed my head and said "I love you so much you don't even know " I didn't need to say anything I loved him enough that Vic knew that already "I do have one question though how come Alisha didn't tell me this when I went to meet her ?" I asked looking up at Vic "nobody knew not even my bestest friends you are the only one I have told so far" he said back "wow I feel special" I said laying my head on Vic's chest " that's because you are special" he told me " there is also another thing I want to tell you ....Luna also ....killed my parents" he said sadly "hey do you want to meet my parents I know it's weird especially since we have been together for so long but do you mind if I call them and ask if they want to come over ?" "Oh course babe I would love to meet them let me go get dressed " I said getting up "they are also vamps so don't worry about the food we just need a punch bowl full of "juice"" vic told me "ok can you go get the stuff them" I asked " yeah I'll be right back" he said running out the door I quickly went up the stairs I changed into a floral dress with some matching floral high heels I then put my hat into a bun I pulled my side hard out of the bun and curled those I then put on my makeup when I went downstairs I saw a table with lit candles the "juice" was on the table with some wine glasses to put the juice in "wow babe you did great setting up and you also clean up nice " I said to Vic "well this was all of a sudden so I had to quickly get everything" he said back "so when do they get here I" I asked "they should be here in like 20 min." Vic said back "ok" I went and sat right back on the couch after about 20 min. I saw a car pull in "is that them"I asked "yes it is indeed my dear" Vic said opening the door "well what a adorable home" said Vic's mother "well thank you it's my friends house" I said smiling Vic pulled out the chairs for his parents to sit "my my my you sure do got a pretty lady there kiddo" Vic's dad said chuckleing " nice of you to say dad" Vic said blushing "love could you pour the meal?" I asked "oh yeah almost forgot" Vic got up and started to pour the drink into the wine glasses "so anything new with you two?" Vic's mom asked "well Ariel is pregnant" Vic told his mom "oh wow congrats" Vic's father said the whole night went like this they would ask us questions we would answer soon it was getting really late and Vic's parents were ready to leave "thank you for having us over it was a beautiful night" Vic's mom said politely "oh no problem it was a pleasure to have you here" I added "well I'm going to go up stairs to get get ready for bed" I told them "ok my love" Vic kissed me goodnight and I went up stairs
Vic's POV...
I kissed Ariel goodnight and watched as she went up stairs "now can you give us the money"Charles asked "yeah yeah just hold on" I said back "aye we don't got all night we have another vampire to get to we ain't cheap fake parents" Alizabeth said "here take the 400 and leave" I shoved the money into there hands I closed the door and watched as they left
Aries POV..
I peeked around the corner to see what Vic was talking about "oh my god he hired fake parents!" I whispered to myself " I am going to fucking kill Vic right now!" I trotted down the stairs into the kitchen were Vic was cleaning up "so how much did you pay your fake parents " I said casually "oh just 400..wait you heard all of it" he asked shocked "yes Vic I did why the hell did you need fake parents" I wanted to slap Vic for lying to me "because it would have been weird if I didn't have any parents to show you plus Luna killed everything and everyone I loved she is crazy" he told me "well maybe next time just tell me I would have understood you don't have to lie to my face now I'm going to go up stairs to wash my face tonight you are sleeping on the couch" I turned my back to him and walked up the stairs later that evening Alec and Harriet came back "Ariel?" Harriet asked for me "yeah I'm up here" I told her  "oh there you are hey do you want to hear what we did" she asked "uh duh of course I want to know" "ok well first we went to this fancy restaurant than after we went to a park and I know that doesn't sound interesting but it really was because Alec had a picnic basket with all sorts of desserts it was beautiful then we looked up at the stars we had a awesome make out session and then we came home" Harriet had a big smile on her face "well at least you had a good night Vic hired fake parents because he didn't want to tell me that Luna killed them " "damn well your night sounded fun" she giggled a little bit "ha yeah..right " I said looking at her "well did you find some baby names ?" She asked "actually yes I did so for the girl I'm going with October and then for one of the boys in going with Oli hen for the other boy I'm going with Baden" I told her "wow cute names...well I'm going to let you get some rest goodnight" Harriet left the room and I closed my eyes

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