Chapter 10 A BIG surprise

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As me and Vic were flying I just remembered I had to stop at Harriet's house I was such a mess I didn't care what I looked like just how horrible Luna is "v-Vic can we st-stop at Harriet's"I asked "of course my love" Vic replied soon we landed behind Harriet's house "I really hope Harriet's mom isn't here she is so mean now" I told Vic "don't worry if she is mean I'll be mean back or suck the life out of her" he said chuckling "really your going to kill Harriet's mom when my mom literally just died today really?" I said agitated "sorry love" I ignored Vic walked around the house towards the door and nocked "hey Ariel I though I was going to meet you at your house?" Harriet's said at that moment I fell right into Harriet's arms "oh my gosh are you ok" she said a little worried "no I'm not ok at all I wish this day would just end already" I said with tears rolling down my face that's when I told her everything that happened "oh I'm so so sorry Ariel I wish I could do something" as Harriet said that Vic came around the corner "oh my sparkles you scared me half to death next time tell me when both of you are coming" "sorry" Vic said "well come on let's go up to my room" Harriet's pointed us to her room when we got up to her room we sat on bed and started to talk about the attack we are planing "ok so I went to Paris the night I saw Luna kissing Vic then in the middle of the night a guy was carrying me somewhere that's when I met Alisha she is a wolf she was with her twin brother and her pack they told me about Luna about how she turned and why she wants to destroy me we also talked about a attack on Luna OH OH AND PLUS I HAVE A NEW POWER I CAN  PLAY WITH PLANTS AND STUFF ITS REALLY COOL HEHEHE but umm anyways we talked about Luna and all the good stuff but I need you guys to come with me to Paris because that is where Alec and the rest of the pack is" I said out of breath "did Alec tell you about him being a wolf" Harriet asked "yeah he did I was upset about it but I'm over it" I said "wow so you want us to come with you to Paris" Vic asked kinda surprised "uh..yeah..please come with meeeee" I whined Vic and Harriet looked at each other then back at me then back at each other then they replied "fine" they both said at the same time " gosh I feel sick where is the bathroom Harriet" I asked quickly "down stairs to the left" before anyone could say anything else  I rushed to the toilet I made it just in time because I started puking my guts out my stomach was hurting so bad it felt like someone shot me with lasers "love are you ok do you need food" Vic asked with worried eyes "I. Don't. Know. " I said In between pukes "I'll make a potion of healing" Harriet said running towards the kitchen "I'll go find some sort of animal" Vic replied to Harriet "NO she needs human blood" Harriet's said "what umm ok?" "Just go get it!!" Harriet demanded I started to feel weak and I mean really weak I needed food I stopped puking but I needed food plus I was still in so much pain from my stomach "ok ok I was able to make the potion" I quickly drank the potion it tasted horrible but it worked "I don't know why you are feeling like this all of a sudden Ariel this is just so so weird" "I know I know I don't know why but my god I'm hungry" I started to look at Harriet I sniffed her neck it smelt so good I wanted to bite it "Harriet.." I said "yes?" She replied "RUN" I said as Harriet ran to her room I quickly followed I was so hungry I wanted to eat her my own friend I scratched and kicked the door my eyes were blood shot red soon Vic came back with some human blood in a bag I used my super speed grabbed  the bag and fell to the ground and started to drink I felt myself starting to turn back normal again Vic told Harriet it was safe to come out now "what the hell happened while I was gone?" Vic quietly screamed "Ariel was so hungry she wanted to eat ME" Harriet exclaimed "oh my gosh what is wrong with Ariel" Vic asked Harriet "I have no fucking clue all I know is when a vampire goes cray cray it's time for some real blood"Harriet said "well is it ok if we stay for the night I don't have any healing potions for when the pain comes back to her stomach" Vic asked "yeah sure my moms in Mexico getting her dancing on" Harriet told Vic "ok thanks and is it ok if I take Ariel to your  room to lay down?" "Yeah I'll be down here watching tv" "ok" Vic picked me up then he started to walk towards Harriet's room and put me on the bed "get some rest my love" Vic said while pulling the blankets over my chest I started to drift off to sleep 1 2 3 I was out like a lightbulb

Doctors  the triplets and her  might not make it!


Mr.vic please calm down we are doing everything we can to keep her and the triplets alive


Vic you need to leave now!


"AAHHH!" "Ariel!! Are you ok what happened" Vic asked "I had a horrible nightmare!" "What was it about" Vic wondered "uhh.. I can't tell you can you get Harriet I want to talk to her" I asked "ohh... Ok..." Vic said kind hurt "HARRIET ARIEL WANTS TO TALK TO YOU!!" Vic yelled down the stairs "I'll be down stairs if you need anything my love" "ok my sweet" I replied "hey Ariel what do you need" Harriet asked "I need to talk to you about my dream" I told her "ok...what was it about" Harriet asked "well...uhh..umm...I had a dream that I was in the hospital giving birth to triplets but the really scary part is that me and the triplets might die" "oh my gosh Ariel do you think this could come true like do you want me to go buy a testing thingy" Harriet asked "actually I need you to do  two things I need you to get the test and I need you to drop me out school because I'm to busy now and I have a lot of stuff on my mind" I told her "ok it'll be hard to drop you out but ok and I'll go get the test now" she replied back to me I didn't say anything else me and Harriet Walked out of the room together I decided to go with her to the store to get the test "Vic I'll be back me and Harriet are going to go get some stuff at the store we will be right back my love" I told him "ok my sweet be carful" he told me.  " I will" I said back to him I grabbed my sweater and went into the car with Harriet as we were driving the pain came back in my stomach "har-Harriet I ne-need the potion" I whined in pain "uh-oh ok ok I think I put some in bag no not over there mmmm here it is ok drink drink" Harriet gave my the potion and I gulped that thing down "wow I feel a lot better thanks Harriet" giving her a smile "your welcome" soon we got to the store and we quickly went to the women's section "FOUND IT" I yelled a little to loud other women that were around me looked at me like I was crazy "hehe sorry" I told them "yes ok mhm that's right ok thank you bye" Harriet was on the phone talking to the school "so what did they say"I asked her "they asked why. And I told them because you were moving to Italy they said ok and then I hung up" she told me "really Italy ok wow" I laughed "well what else was I supposed to say" she asked "haha I don't know come on let's get back to your house" I told her later when we got home I hung my sweater kissed Vic on the forhead and quickly went to the upstairs bathroom and locked myself in
Vic's POV...
I saw Harriet and Ariel walk in the house I was sitting watching the tv when Ariel came towards me and kissed me on my forehead I didn't get a chance to say anything to her because she ran up the stairs into the bathroom and locked herself in I wanted to know why she did that but she might of got sick again so I wanted her have her privacy "hey Vic I'm going to go upstairs yell if you need anything" Harriet told me "ok and tell me if everything is ok with Ariel" I said back "mk" Harriet ran up the stairs and I went back to watching tv
Ariels POV...
I was so scared my whole body was shaking I was so scared to take the test but I did after doing what I needed to do I looked down "HARRIET GET IN HERE NOW" I yelled I unlocked the door pulled my pants up and let Harriet in "omg omg omg tell me tell me tell meee what happen what does it say" she squealed "ok ok it's.....POSITIVE!!" Me and Harriet were jumping up and down up and down but then I stopped "what's wrong" Harriet asked " what do I tell Vic?" I asked "just sit down with him and tell him I know he will understand he loves you he will be happy I promise" when Harriet told me that I started to get teary eyed "I love you" I told Harriet "I love you to girl now go tell him like now!" She said "ok ok" I opened the door and ran Down the stairs "hello my love I wanted to tell you something very serious" I snuggled up close to Vic he put his arm around me "yes my love? What is it" "well I am...I am....pregnant" there was total silence for a long time soon Vic spoke "babe I'm so happy we get to have a family I can't wait I love you I love you I love you" he said kissing me all over my face and my tummy the sun started to set I decided I would go to bed "you coming love?" I asked "of course I can't leave the women caring my child alone" Vic grabbed my hand and we super speeded up to the guest room I got into a nightgown tide  my hair up and got in bed Vic was in his boxer shorts he kissed my stomach saying I love you my little " what about me" I said with a pouty face "I love you as well my sweet" then I turned off the lights and went to bed with Vic's arm wrapped around me I fell asleep smiling with joy

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