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     you and mischa walked out of the front office together, and began walking on opposite sides of the hall in awkward silence.

     "so, how are you liking st cassian so far?" you asked him, attempting the make the walk a little less unbearable for the both of you. "have you made any friends yet?"

     "it is so far good. i have made many friends." he explained, making up a lie on the spot, hoping you couldn't tell. while he had met a few people at school, the only real friends he made were the middle school boys in his neighborhood who thought that he was the shit, the real deal. he had talked to them for hours, sitting on the curb, showing them his rap videos on youtube. one kid had even offered to let mischa film one at his pool if he let him be in it. 

     "that's nice..." you said, pursing your lips. you really didn't know what to say to him. "so what class do you have right now?"

     "gym. with your friend, ocean." he answered.

     "she can be a lot sometimes." you stated.

     "she is insufferable." he was being dead serious but you couldn't help but laugh. your eyes lit up as you came up with an idea.

     "hey mischa, do you think i could sit with you at lunch tomorrow? i mean, i know you probably have other people you'd want to sit with but, uhh... i guess it would be cool to get to know you better, y'know?" you looked up at him hopefully.

     "..that is... okay with me." he sighed, looking forward. you smiled faintly. the two of you kept walking in a less awkward silence until you had to turn back into the library while the gym was further down the hall. 

     "cool. i'll, um, see you at chorus, i guess." you said as you gave him a small wave and parted ways with him. he nodded his head at you in response, as his hands were stuffed into his pockets.

     the day had gone by quick after that. it was mostly a bore. you scanned the room when you had walked into choir. you were a little early but it was fine. ocean, noel, and ricky were already present and seated. you put your bag down next to your chair.

     "y/n! settle this for us. do you think we should have to wear uniforms everyday?" noel asked you, reaching out and gripping your shoulder to get your attention. both him and ocean looked to you in anticipation.

     "i guess it's kind of dumb. i get kind of tired of wearing this stupid thing everyday." you said, gesturing to your own uniform. noel grinned, letting go of your shoulder.

     "see! y/n agrees." noel said, smugly. ocean groaned.

     "i just think that uniforms keep us more orderly! there can be no chaos or inequality if we're all wearing the same thing." she argued.

     "oh, of course you think that, ocean. also, it's not equal anyways. the girl's have different uniforms than the guys, if you haven't noticed." you rolled your eyes.

     "you know what i mean." she shrugged. constance and father marcus came soon after. the whole choir was here, besides mischa. it made you a little antsy, for some reason. you wondered where he could be. but your question was answered as he walked through the doors, very apathetic and composed. he made eye contact with you and you waved at him, expecting a wave back. when nothing came and he ignored you, opting to just slouch in his seat, you frowned. honestly, you didn't know what you had expected. he was obviously not going to be all buddy buddy with you after just one interaction. you sighed, calming yourself down.

     when you got home that day, you were utterly exhausted. all you wanted to do was crash on the couch for the night. you got to do that, for about an hour, until your mom made you get up to help your dad put the groceries away. you just groaned and complied, as you did not want to get in any trouble.

     after helping your sister set the table, dinner was served. you ate fairly quickly, the only thing on your mind being sleep. you washed your plate and placed it in the dishwasher haphazardly before rushing upstairs to get ready for bed. it was around eight by the time you finished your nightly rituals, but it didn't matter much to you. you jumped straight into your bed and fell asleep almost immediately.

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