the study date

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     you were nearing the end of your third period, which meant lunch was next. you were a little uneasy thinking about how it might go, considering he didn't really seem to care all that much about you yesterday. you were taking notes, looking up at the dimly projected power point before jotting something down in your notebook. the teacher was mid sentence before the bell rang. all the students rushed to put their stuff away, not letting the teacher finish what she was teaching. you did the same, stuffing your notebook in your bag and your pencil in your lunchbox for the moment. 

     you walked towards the lunchroom, albeit a little slower than everyone else. you got pushed around and shoved multiple times when walking down the crowded hall. you couldn't really blame them, though, it was your fault for walking slow. you got the the cafeteria and looked around. it took about twelve seconds before you spotted him. mischa. he was sitting near the back at a table full of wannabe jocks. you shivered and made your way over to him, greeting him while putting your stuff down. he looked up at you for a moment, with his mouth open.

     "surprised to see me?" you asked, opening your lunchbox. he shook his head and continued to stab his styrofoam lunch tray with his fork.

     "not really." he shrugged.

     "right... so um. what's up?"

     "i just got out of english" he said. "saying stuff.. not so hard. reading and writing though?" he shuddered, implying that he very much dreaded it.

     "we can go over it today? y'know, cause of the tutoring thing and all." you offered. behind mischa, you saw ocean walking past the table, staring dead at you, looking like she had murder on her mind. you rolled your eyes at her.

     "i suppose so." mischa said quickly, as he pulled out his phone from his pocket, typing away furiously.

     "..what are you doing?" you wondered. trying to peer over the table at what he was texting.

     "i need to tell my.. mom.. that i have to stay late. i completely forgot and she's going to be super pissed." he groaned, eventually slamming his phone down on the table. he slammed it down so hard that the boys right next to you turned to look at the commotion. you avoided eye contact with them and they just rolled their eyes and looked away.

     "what'd she say?" you asked, curiously. 

     "it's none of your business." he said defensively. you looked at the boy a bit confused then cleared your throat. 

     "sorry... mischa." damn, he was  hard to work with. you soon noticed the maroon pair of wireless headphones. you were taken aback for a moment, as bluetooth headphones we're quite expensive and not very available in uranium. they piqued your interest and you decided to move the conversation over to his music, and hoped it wouldn't lead to disaster.

     "can i hear what you're listening to?" you asked him. he looked up at you and back down to his phone, which the headphones were connected to. he reluctantly tore the headphones off of his head and placed them on yours. it wasn't meant to be an intimate gesture, but as his hands brushed the sides of your face you could feel yourself heating up ever so slightly. he was listening to some hip hop song. it sounded like a mix of ludacris and another voice you couldn't quite recognize. it took you by surprise. you honestly had no clue what you were expecting his music taste to be like, but you just shrugged it off. i mean, it didn't not suit him.

     "not bad, mischa!" after a couple more seconds, you took his headphones off and handed them back to him.

     "you like? y'know, there is someone who sounds much like him on the youtube. you may know his as he is very popular. his name is bad egg. he is super badass. you should listen to him. and make sure to leave him a comment too!" you laughed a little at his attempt of persuading you. at least you knew he was passionate about one thing.

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