Chapter 2

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"D-d-don't stop!" The human underneath me screams and writhes in pure ecstasy. I do as she says and I keep gulping down her blood until her pulse starts to slow down. The loud music from the club pounds in my ears like the pulse that no longer drums from her veins of a pounding drum beat but a slow march of tired feet.

Her blood tastes like fine red wine on a bad day where you just want to sit back and relax after a hard days work. Looking down at the girl I realize she is now unconscious from the loss of blood and the drug from my fangs that cause our prey to feel good while we suck them dry.

Usually I don't bother getting the girls high as I drink from them but it's better then watching them wince from pain or compelling them to be quiet. At that point I might as well be biting into a boring porcelain doll.

"Having fun, dear brother?" My twin brother Ernest asks walking over to my booth with his pet human at his side. He sits down across from me as I casually push the drugged half dead human whore of a blood bag off my lap onto the cold tiled floor as if she was nothing.

His pet whimpers at the sight but keeps her mouth shut most likely out of fear. She kneels at his feet like an obedient dog. Luckily for her my brother is never so cruel to his pets or humans in general.

"Shh, Jane. Nothing will harm you." He whispers to her in a soothing tone as he combs a hand through her dirty blonde hair. I roll my eyes at his kindness towards the thing as if he won't eventually get bored with her and do what I just did to the girl but to her.

"Yes, I find I am having fun. Are you sure you don't wish to envelope yourself in this feeling of bliss and excitement with me? All it takes is one bite." I smirk and gesture to his trembling pet. Only God knows why he decided to name the poor thing.

His facial features harden into a look of hatred and disinterest for my obvious games of torment. "Father requests your presence at home. He has ordered me to come and retrieve you in any way that I wish as long as you get to him alive and in one piece." He finally smirks back. This causes me to sober up and tense putting my senses on high getting ready for a fight.

"I have no interest on returning to the city or that dusty palace, brother. Father can go ahead and kiss my bleeding undead arse!" I snap back, my eyes glowing a dangerous shade of red showing off my anger towards the man.

"Eric, father is getting tired and weaker as the years pass. You need to find a suitable mate and take the throne. I urge you to come home with me willingly. I have no wish to harm my brother but I will if need be." He sighs waving his hand to the crowd of dancing people.

The music suddenly stops and everyone that was dancing is now staring at me with a weapon in hand or staring at me blankly. "Did you seriously make my favorite club into a trap? You're the worst brother ever." I grumble under my breath. We both know I'm too drunk to take on every single vampire or human in this place.

Ernie laughs. "No I'm not. That title goes to our step brother, Victor. Now will you stop pouting and being a stubborn ass about your future?" He asks raising an eyebrow at me.

I sigh dramatically and cross my arms scanning the whole place looking for a weak spot I could run through or some sign of a hope that will get me out of this place. I've been partying and hiding from my family for a couple years now ever since my father remarried. I couldn't stand to be anywhere near the bitch, so I left.

"Eric, it's not just about you returning to be King. There is a serial murderer on the loose targeting pure bloods and the ones on the vampire council along with family members. We're all just concerned for your safety is all." He says calmly his dark blue eyes showing concern. Our eyes are the only difference between the two of us. He has our mothers blue eyes while I have the red vampire eyes of our father. Our mother used to joke that he was the angel to my demon. Looking at us now, I think she might've been right.

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