Chapter 7

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I see red. I'm not sure how else to describe the blinding rage coursing through my viens as I storm away from the crime scene. My fist curls tightly around the vial of venum I took from the corpse and I do my best not to crush it into dust. 

I manage to hail down a cab and hop in paying him extra to get me out of the city and back home as fast as he can. The human laughs at the wad of cash and speeds me away. As the car jolts to a steady pace, I stare out the window letting my thoughts wander into what just happened. I have a new fated mate! But he's... a vampire. 

I'll admit I was conflicted with my feelings when Eric touched me. My heart has been longing for a companion ever since my daughter left home and my ex mate rejected me for a different werewolf. I had thought I could fill in the void by helping my friend and offering her a place to stay with me when her mother disowned her. Even one night stands were just a ploy to keep my mind or body busy so I could ignore my hearts need for companionship and love. My very soul yearned for it's matching half. 

His scent was so intoxicating with a thick musk and peppermint. He smelled like a hot cocoa in the winter time with peppermint schnapps that warms you up on the inside no matter how cold and bitter the outside was. I sigh sadly to myself. 

"What am I going to do..." I mumble under my breath. 

"What are you going to do about what?" A cheery voice asks from beside me in the backseat of the cab. Oh no... not him... 

I slowly turn my body to face the very bane of my existance. The most cheery optimistic and cheeky blonde man I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. "What on earth do you want?" I grumble. 

"Damn, I was hoping to scare you and win the bet. But for starters, a hug!" He laughs and pulls me in for a tight embrace. I awkwardly pat his back hoping he'll release me soon. He's one of the only men I actually allow to touch me without permission. I trust him completely. 

"Hro-" I begin to say his name but he sushes me by putting his finger on my lips. 

"Shh, I've decided to change my name to make it more modern. I was thinking Bob. Has a ring to it don't you think?" He grins at me like a child, showing his bright white sharp teeth sparkling under his darkish complexion. Bob is a demon but has the beauty of an angel. His bright blonde hair, blue eyes, tanned skin, and a body every guy wishes he could have. 

I snicker and stifle my laughter. "Why don't you go by Robert? It's more sophisticated.... or you could go by Ken." I mutter the last bit under my breath so he doesn't hear me.

He gives me a sharp glare making me giggle. "That Ken doll wishes he looked like me! Now, I demand you tell me why you looked so depressed before I hugged you!" He grinned and poked me in the arm. 

I drop my smile and sigh sadly. "I found my mate... but he's a vampire." I mumble, looking down at my lap where I fiddle with the vial filled with the venum.  

"Oh, kitten... Come here. You don't just need a hug, you need cuddles." He sighed and pulled me into his arms as I start to cry. Bob has been my friend and practically older brother since I was a child. He had caught me trying to rob a rich guy that he had recently made a deal with for his soul. It was shortly after I was orphaned and he took me in and helped raise me. Atleast until my  husband showed up. 

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