Chapter 13:Torture

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Wednesday POV:

As [Y/N] walks out of the room I wonder about what he says.

"Have fun with who?"

As I ask myself. Someone appears out of thin air. A person who many, including myself, look up to. Edgar Allen Poe.

"Hello miss Addams."

He asks with a creepy smile. He walks towards me with that same smile so that I could get a better look at him. His eyes, grey. His skin, pale. His mouth, dry.

"Miss Addams I have been waiting for this for a long time. Your ancestor Goody has killed Crackstone. Then decades later she comes after my head. Reason, I don't know. Probably because I was his descendant. Anyway. She has stated that someday a girl by the name Wednesday Addams shall slay me. After all. I killed Goody Addams. "

He says right before laughing hysterically. I then spit in his face which upsets him as he slaps me with his cold dead hands.

"Time for my favorite part of today."

He takes out a septor with a orange crystal. It's glowing. Before I know it. He starts pointing the crystal at me. A beam of light comes out of the crystal and starts burning my skin.

As I shout in pure agony he laughs at me. He then puts the septor down and takes out a cross. All of a sudden he starts chanting something while pointing the cross at me.

As he does so my head starts spinning while my mind starts hurting. When he finishes I'm already drenched in cold sweat.

"Please stop. I beg you *breath* It's too much. Even for me."

I say between breaths. I enjoy torture. But this was too much. At this point I was exhausted. Pain was my thing but now it was too much for me to handle.

"Better start praying to a god that you survive Wednesday Addams."

He says before chuckling. His face wrinkling while he laughs at my struggles.

"I pray to no god."

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