Chapter two: Predator becomes the Prey

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Chapter two

Predator becomes the Prey

Hearing someone moving around the hut, I opened my eyes and rolled over. Zev gave me a smile as he pulled on shorts made from deer hid. Stretching my arms above my head, I sat up.

“Good morning.” He fitted his knife into his belt.

“Do you have to go?” I muttered, straightening out the blankets. “My brothers don’t go everyday.”

“Your father asked me be the leader of the hunting party, so I have to.”

Letting out a deep breath, I flopped back and stared at the ceiling. There was no use in arguing with him.

Zev walked over to me and knelt. “I’ll take you somewhere tomorrow.” He brushed my hair out of my face before leaning down and kissing my forehead. “Stay in the village, alright?”

I nodded with a sigh. “Can I spend the night again?” I locked eyes with him and ran my hands down his defined chest. It was bitter sweet that I could only touch, but never taste. 

He grabbed my wrists and kissed my knuckles. “When I return, I’m meeting with Neema and her family.”

Groaning, I yanked my arms free and pulled the blankets over my head. 

“Raja.” Zev rubbed my back. “She’s as much a part of my family as you. She gets to decided if I take you.” He leaned in close. “Remember?” He pressed his lips to my cheek. “So be nice to her. I don’t think I’d ever forgive you if you hurt Neema, and she forbids me to see you.”

I throw the covers off me. “She wouldn’t, right? You talked to her, and she’s going to let me right?” My chest tightened as I waited his answer.

Zev smiled at me and ran his thumb along my jaw. “She’s happy that I chose you to be apart of our family. So don’t worry. I will have you.” He kissed me properly before standing and grabbing his spear. “I’ll come visit you as soon as I can.”

“Um... Zev,” I sat up and brought my knees to my chest. “Remember last week when you said you’d think about letting me go with you?”

He took a deep breath. “I’m still thinking. Be good and stay in the village, while I’m gone.”  With a wave, he left the hut.

Rolling to my side, I curled up in a ball and breathed in Zev’s scent. I love it when he’d let me spend the night. He’d wrap me up in his arms and hold me close while we slept. I wanted him to take it farther, and he knew it too. I had even told him a couple of times I’d keep it a secret, but Zev insisted that we had to obey the elders. 

I pulled the blanket around me closer. It wasn’t fair though. I didn’t pledge myself to the tribe, so it wasn’t like I had to follow the same commitments as him. 

“Raja!” called Azuka, from outside. 

I rolled to my stomach and picked at the bear hid I was laying on.

My brother opened the thicket door and stepped inside. “Come on. Fayla has breakfast ready.”

“Hmmm….” I didn’t move. I really wasn’t in the mood. It happened every time Zev left; I just felt annoyed with everything and everyone. 

“Come on.” Azuka ripped the blanket off me.

“Azuka!” I yelled as the cold air hit my skin. “I’ll be there in a minute. Leave me alone.” Grabbing a another hide, I wrapped it around my waist.

“Hmmm…. Does dad know you’re sleeping naked with Zev?” my brother said with a smirk.

I shot a glare at him. “Is it necessary for you to be constantly annoying?” I grabbed my shorts and slipped them on. Letting out a sigh, I stared at the floor. “It’s not like dad has a reason to be concerned.” I slowly stood. “I wish he did.”

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