The fight

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The two students walked up to the center of the field.

Y/n stretched a couple of times.

"Still feel like this is gonna be easy?" She smirked.

"I can't wait to shut you up." Bakugo snarled.

"Same here, explosion boy."

"Don't call me that..."

She grinned playfully.

"You two ready?" Aizawa inquired.

"YES!" Both of them yelled.

"Then start."

Y/n's quirk was quite strong, it allowed her to bend air currents to her will, generating typhoons or blowing opponents away with strong winds.

This quirk gave her hair a weird texture, it seemed all frizzy but somehow untangled, her long tufts stayed up as if a perpetual wind was blowing through them. They never rested by her shoulders.

Her hair gave her quite a dynamic look... which Bakugo really liked in a woman, but was too self-centered to admit.

She raised both her hands and waited for the boy. Bakugo, raising a singular arm thinking it would be easy, readies an explosion. Sparks start flying from the palm of his hand. "It's over..."

As he was about to release it, she brought her arms down... a cascading wind blew through the field, a strong current, which would make the explosion blow back into Bakugo's own face with quite some power, sending the overconfident boy flying and onto the ground, all smokey.

"Hrng-... what?!" He coughed, while on the ground.

Y/n took the chance, she flew through the air, the wind blowing up... then changing the direction to spiral down. She landed with quite some speed on top of Bakugo, with her knees on his stomach. He whimpered in pain, left winded by the quick manouver.

Before he could retaliate, y/n grabbed his forearms and pinned them to the ground, making another strong wind blow from behind her to help her keep the boy flat on the ground.

Bakugo struggled, trying to use his explosions, but the wind would just blow them back onto his hands.

She had him now, there's nothing he could do to free himself from this situation.A slight smirk appeared on y/n's lips.

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