Chapter 6B - Messy Holidays Pt. 2

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Cody woke up and took in the fresh air, he looked down at his pee filled diaper and frowned. It was Christmas, but family and friends were coming.

His dad came in wearing and Santa hat and a Corona beer bottle.

"Eyyy champ! Merry Christmas! I see somebody needs a diaper change!"

"Dad can you change me so I can get dressed into some normal clothes?"

"I'll dress you, I have this very cute onsie for you."

It was a paw patrol onesie that looked childish (pictured below).

It was a paw patrol onesie that looked childish (pictured below)

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"Dad I am not wearing that!"

"I guess you aren't getting your presents then"

"Fine! I'll wear the stupid onsie..."

His dad changed his diaper and put him in the onsie. He cooed at his son.

"Awww now isn't that cute baby?"

"No. It's stupid."

"Cmon, your family is waiting. Don't worry we have food just for you!"

He walked downstairs and everyone stared and cooed at him. His older siblings laughed and took pictures.

"Brooo what is that?"

"My dad made me wear this, I hate this"

"Well atleast you get the new Xbox for it!"


His grandma walked in with a few cups of baby food. He hoped it was for the random baby in the room and not him... he was far from right.

"It's time to feed the baby, cmon Cody!"

"Ohh you mean that one?"

"Stop pointing, and no not baby Milly, you are the baby."

Cody froze, his whole FAMILY was gonna watch him get babied? This was his own personal hell he thought, while getting sat in the high chair.

"Here comes the Aeroplane! Zooom!"

He sealed his mouth shut at the turkey soup flavoured baby food splattered on his face. He wanted normal food, not this!

"Hey, you need to eat."

"I want the turkey grandma made... she knows it's my favourite!"

"Maybe when you're a big boy, but for now you eat this or no presents"

Cody ate the nasty baby food making faces every time and people he didn't even know cooing at him.

"Aww the baby is full, does he want something to drink??"

"Shut up Mark" (Cody's favourite cousin)

"Aww I'm just joking, want some Monster?"

"Aww yeah!"

"Stop! Babies can't drink energy drinks remember Mark?"

"But he's my teen brother! Just one sip isn't gonna kill him!"

"And you're a full grown adult, now let me prepare his milk"

He was handed a milk bottle, Cody wasn't let out the high chair until he drank it all. More pictures were taken my his family and posted on Facebook for the world to laugh at him.

"Do you HAVE to post it mum..."

"Why yes, other family members have to know. Don't they?"

"NO! Now let's open this new console!"

"Slow down buckaroo, give Uncle Sammy a big hug"

"Ughhh do I have to kiss everyone's ass here"

His mum was swift to give him a slap on the thigh that stung afterwards.

"Language, now show your elders some respect young man."

Cody reluctantly hugged his Uncle and moved onto the presents. Little did he know he wasn't getting that Xbox so soon. It was mostly baby stuff, and he was far from playing that game.

"Okay let's see what... this is all baby onsies..."

"Wooo! My little champ is getting some Football (or soccer for Americans) onsies! Go StoneBrook Hawks!"

Cody rolled his eyes and opened the next present... which was a pack of pacifiers.

"Ugh why is it more baby things??"

"Keep opening"

One present after another was baby stuff, he was starting to get pissed. Until Mark bought out the holy grail, the Xbox Series X with a bundle of gun games.

"Oh hey lil' dude, couldn't forget this!"

"Thank you Mark! You're the best!"

"Where was all that when you got your other gifts?"

"It was dumb baby stuff"

"It's because we have something for you, since you wanna keep cutting school and stuff. I'm gonna drop you out."

"Yes! Finally I'm free im-"

"BUT, you're not gonna play that game at all. You don't even deserve that Xbox, you're going full time baby and I'm even signing you up for daycare soon."

His face went pale as he heard all of this, even worse infront of family.

"Well?? Get down to crawling and playing with the baby toys in the playpen. You can kiss that Xbox goodbye for a LONG time."

"But... my cousin bought it..."

"Just let the little man have a bit of teenage fun, cmon Cindy!"

"Remember when we had to put you in pull-ups for acting out? Yeah, don't think we forgot your teen years."

"But that was ages ago, I'm 25 now!"

"While we're at it, when family leaves, we have some new ground rules."

---9 hours later---

"Thanks for coming everyone!"

And Cindy shut the door and turned towards Cody. She had a very stern expression on her face along with Matthew.

"We have some rules for you, young man. Or little baby..."


Yaaaay! I hope you enjoyed the Christmas Special chapters!

And now that we're heading into 2023, happy new years!

Don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter, and that's it for now, have a great 2023!

*Tail wags and happy yaps*

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