Stewart's and Alphonse's Demise

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Joe: Alright, now we are gonna start now. You guys ready?

Everyone: Yes!

Joe: Alright, let's start.

On this visit to Amande too, Stewart headed out to the city with Alphonse to clear their gloomy moods.

Stewart: Eh? Us?

Christina: Looks like the video is about Sir Stewart and Alphonse.

Stewart: Ye-yeah... I see ....

Alphonse: Ha! Finally our time to shine.

Little does he knows its their time to fall.

While part of the reason was due to his irritation at Hiroaki's earlier ignorant remark, he had also just gone through a battle of life and death with more monsters than he had ever faced before, leaving his mind and body helplessly worked up.

Liselotte: Well they did had to go through a life and death situation. But why are they irritated by the hero?

Joe: Well, they were "talking" with your maids and Hiroaki stepped in the conversation and yeah, you know what happened.

Liselotte: Oh...

Stewart/Alphonse: Tch....

They headed to a bar targeted towards the wealthy and had a drink and snacks before happily moving on to another bar that specialized in entertainment from women. Having previously visited this store and paid good money, they were remembered as important customers and welcomed warmly, and chose two of the prettier girls among the staff to serve them.

Stewart and Alphonse looked down due to embarrassment.

"Well, he's all talk and attitude. There's nothing much else to him,
really." They spoke their complaints about someone in particular whilst drinking heartily. Eventually, the name of a famous restaurant in Amande
was brought up. "Yeah, we've been to that store before. I can take you there now, if you'd like," Stewart said, showing off. The girls were completely on board with it,
so Stewart and Alphonse left the bar with the girls in high spirits.

Duke Huguenot: Tchh,  all this son of mine can do is show off.

However, the situation took a turn once they arrived at the mentioned restaurant. They'd decided on using the best private room for the occasion, but when he requested the room...
"Our deepest apologies. That room is already in use by another customer.I can prepare another private room for you right away..."

Charlotte: pfft,they sure do have a bad luck.

King François: sigh, Charlotte stop making rude comments

Charlotte: Ok, Father.

The room Stewart was after was already in use. It was like someone had dumped cold water on him after he'd finally recovered his mood. "Well, why don't you show us the other options first?" Alphonse said high-handedly. With that, the male employee lead Stewart's party inside the
shop. "...I think I want the room I requested after all. Can't you prepare that instead?" Alphonse insisted unreasonably.
"I'm sorry, that private room is already in use by another customer."

Christina: Can't you just use another room? Why do you have to be So stubborn.

Alphonse has been continuously been insulted since his result. But unlike Stewart, he isn't going to sit this out.

Alphonse: I am a noble from high ranking family from the Restoration and an important person. So I can do what I want.

Duke Huguenot: You! You dare talk back with Her princess!

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