Chapter 4: A new beginning

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The Order is devestated,
Voldemort is delighted,
And Harry is content.


Happy new years too all❤


Chapter Text

That night the pack slept cuddled up all together in the middle of the clearing as it snowed heavily around them, the snow did not reach them as the clearing they slept in had natural magic that kept most of the cold and snow away to protect the flowers and trees growing around it. They were all tired as they played with the new wolf for the rest of the day, they were slightly disappointed that he had not turned back to introduce himself but understood that he had most likely spent most of his time as a werewolf in his wolf counterpart so they let him be so he could turn back at his own pace.

They chased each other or they played tug a war with a stick it was a very fun evening for them. But they all hoped that the moon in three days would encourage him to turn back soon.

Harry slept peaceful that night as now he felt safe, it was all strange to him one moment he was running for his life the next these strange people who happen to be werewolves suddenly jump in and save him and then he was suddenly part of a pack something he doubted he would ever be able to do.

Harry could feel their slight disappointment in the fact that he had stayed as a wolf instead of becoming human and properly introducing himself but was surprised when they just left it and played with him, he was half expecting Fenrir to order him to turn back but he didn't instead he just dozed while they played.

And in truth he had not turned back in months when he found out that he could shift at will, he stayed in his wolf counterpart as it was easier to travel and it was faster, so he was reluctant of shifting back as he would be exposed as the boy who lived.

But he would have to shift back to give them his name and be properly introduced into the pack through the moon herself. But he had time to do that for now he should just enjoy his peaceful sleep and full stomach.


The Order has lost all hope of finding Harry as they performed the tracking spell this morning and it could not locate him, which meant he was dead, or Voldemort had found him.

They were all getting ready to go back too searching for him when they were informed by the Minister of Magic that there were muggle hunters found dead this morning in the forest on mountain Nivei Montis, the Aurors believe that the werewolves in that area had killed them as these hunters were after wolves and they were protecting the wolves in their territory.

Sirius was devastated, his godson couldn't be dead, he just couldn't be, but the spell they used only works when the person is living as it uses the persons magical core to track them. So, when the spell fails to work then the person is dead, Dumbledore says that he might not be dead but instead captured by Voldemort, but that isn't any better as he would still die in his clutches.

So, either way he has lost him...

But he refused to believe it, he would be in denial for a long time as he refuses to believe that his godson is dead. He started crying when the spell failed and has not stopped since, Remus has tried to comfort him but he himself was in pain at the thought of Harry actually being dead.

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