Chapter 9: The Chaos begins.

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Veldora fights back,

The Quibbler knows some secrets?,

Voldemort is scared,

The pack is pissed,

Fenrir cries.


Mentions of rape

Description of violence


Mentions coma.

Notes: Recap

"Seems like my suspicions were correct. You're pregnant and I'll enjoy breaking your spirit."

With that said the man disappeared again and left him to his own thoughts, he was pregnant?







Why does this always happen to him! What did he do to deserve this?

When the man returned, he had a sharp looking object in his hands and his collars remote. The man walked towards him and grinned like a mad man and put the small sharp object down. Just when he started to think he wasn't going to be hurt the man turned his collar on and started shocking him. And he didn't stop after a few minutes like usual he kept shocking him. After an hour of torture Veldora passed out and the man never stopped grinning like a mad man. He took of the boy's collar and watched as he shifted back.

When he shifted back, he picked up the scalpel and took of the boys tattered shirt.

With the boys' clothes off he started the procedure. He cut the boys stomach and started looking for the barely formed infant. When he found it, he removed it and placed it next to the boy. He put away the scalpel and waited for the boy to wake he would not suture the wound shut.

When the boy wakes and sees the dead barely formed at all infants he would surely be broken and then he would send him out again for the proses to be repeated again.


Veldora slowly began waking up slowly he started to feel his limbs and he realised he felt like a truck drove over him twice and then an elephant decided to sit on him. His limbs felt like lead. He stared unblinkingly at the dirty white ceiling with strange yellow spots on, he felt numb. 'What happened yesterday?'

He was unsure of what had happened the previous day, slowly he recalled it. The Alpha submitting to him,the shock collars, the...rape, the tests, the fugly doctor telling him he was pregnant.... And then passing out...... Wait he was pregnant!? He slowly started to sit up and let out a whine of agony at the stinging pain in his abdomen, once he was sitting upright, he took in the room. It was dark, he was clearly alone. While taking in the dark room he smelled the metallic scent of blood and started panicking. When he looked down to where the pain came from, he let out a panicked sound. He was cut open in the abdomen and it was lazily stitched and was clearly infected.

His eyes followed the droplets of blood on the table and floor till his eyes landed on a strange looking object next to his left foot. He went to touch it and it was soft and had dried and wet blood on it. When he went to sniff it his eyes widened. 'This mangled and strange looking smells like me... And that other pathetic wolf...' When the realisation dawned upon him that this mauled looking thing was his unborn child, he sat still and just looked at it. He was struggling to believe it.

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