Chapter One: Dollhouse - Melanie Martinez

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I stand off to the side directing my twin brother where to put the dirt when he stops for a minute

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I stand off to the side directing my twin brother where to put the dirt when he stops for a minute. I raise an eyebrow confused and climb up into the rig with him. "Is what's wrong?" I ask him in a gentle voice. He looks at me with a broken smile, "It's starting to bruise already Nyx." He tells me and I give him a sad smile. "How's your neck?" He asks me. I pull at my leather jacket self-consciously. "Only hurts when I swallow." I confess before looking away, "Come on let's get this finished with so we can try and get some sleep before school tomorrow." I tell him and he nods his head to me before I jump down. I walked around the cemetery straightening up the different flower arrangements and making sure the tombstones are all clean. I am pulled from my thoughts seeing Isaac has disappeared and the sound of glass shattering. "Is?" I call out looking around for my twin. "Isaac?!" I nearly scream seeing the backhoe he was on turned over on its side in a grave. "Oh gods, oh gods, please be okay," I beg as I reach the edge of the grave. "Isaac?!" I call down to him my voice cracking with worry. "I'm okay Nyx! Get out of here there's something out there!" He says. I look around to see what he was talking about. "Isaac I'm not leaving you!" I shout at him. I turn around hearing growling coming from somewhere. "Fuck this shit," I mumble before crawling over the backhoe and dropping down beside Isaac. He hugs me tightly. "What is it?" I ask him quietly and he shakes his head. I put a finger to my lips hearing whimpering and then a loud snarl. Isaac looks at me worriedly and we both look up as the machine creaks and is slowly lifted off over the grave. Isaac grabs me and pulls me into the corner covering me with his body as I cling to him. "Need a hand?" A smooth voice asks I look up and there is a tall man wearing dark pants, a black shirt, as well as a black leather jacket. Isaac looks at me and then back at the man before nodding his head.

	I stand next to Isaac our father on his other side as we stand in the cold answering the Sheriff's questions

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I stand next to Isaac our father on his other side as we stand in the cold answering the Sheriff's questions. I shiver gently pulling my jacket closer to my body. "Isaac Lahey and Nyx Lahey you both work for your father?" He asks and I nod my head gently. "When they are not in school which is where they need to be in twenty minutes." Our father says as I fiddle with the ring on my finger nervously. "Yeah, I understand that. But, I've got a missing teenage girl, and our K-9 unit led us here. She's not wearing any clothes, and if she's out here tonight, and the temperature really drops..." Mr. Stilinski says and I shake my head gently, "I'm sorry, we didn't see anything, sir." I say feeling the nervousness radiating off of him. Dad chuckles, "Trust me, if he saw a naked girl outside a computer screen, he'd remember." He says as he looks at Isaac. Isaac clears his throat nervously. "How'd you get the black eye, Isaac?" Mr. Stilinski asks and I bite the inside of my cheek as dad looks at Isaac. "School," Isaac says simply.

"School fight?" Mr. Stilinski questions.

"Nah, lacrosse," Isaac says lying through his teeth.

"Lacrosse? You play for Beacon Hills?"


"My son plays for the team. Well, I mean, he-he's on the team. He doesn't typically play. Not yet, anyway. It's uh–" Mr. Stilinski trails off noticing Isaac looking off to the side. I squeeze his hand gently bringing him back to the present. "Something wrong, Isaac?" He asks and Isaac shakes his head gently, "No. Oh, no, sorry. I was just remembering, I actually have a morning practice to get to." He lies again and I notice Derek who waves to me kindly before leaving. "Just one more question-- you guys get many grave robberies here?" Mr. Stilinski asks and I shrug. "A few. Usually, they just take stuff like jewelry." I tell him honestly and he raises an eyebrow confused. "What'd this one take?" He asks and I swallow gently fighting the urge to flinch. "Her liver," I say in a soft tone.

I hug Isaac tightly before I take off to my music class. I take my seat in the back of the choir and I can't help but, release a small sigh of relief.

I hung back after school because Isaac had lacrosse practice and because Mr. Harris wanted to see me. I was one of his favorite students because I was quiet and I had the highest grade in his class. I knock on the door gently before walking in I would say I was surprised to see Stiles Stilinski there but, I wasn't. "You wanted to see me, Mr. Harris," I say in a quiet tone. He turns his head from belittling Stiles and his eyes soften seeing me. "Yes actually, regarding the project coming up in my class, I have assigned you and Stiles to work together, I am hoping some of your specialty will rub off on him." He says and I freeze. My dad will kill me in I work with a boy. "Is there anyone else I can work with? Or can I do this solo?" I nearly beg and he shakes his head gently. "Unfortunately not. If at any point Mr. Stilnski doesn't pull his weight. Just let me know and it will show in his grade. That is all." He tells me before dismissing me. I nod my head and walk over to Stiles, "Here's my number." I say softly sliding a piece of paper across the table before disappearing out the door.

Following Isaac down into the old subway depot I swallow gently the burning feeling still present as my neck has not fully healed. "Isaac... I don't know about this." I whimper softly. Isaac turns to me and I watch his face soften seeing the fear in my eyes. "This is for the best for both of us. I promise." He tells me and I nod my head weakly before following him down my eyes landing on Derek.

I was helping Stiles finish up with the project while his dad cooked dinner for us when he suddenly got a call on his cell phone. I look up as he talks in hushed tones his eyes going to me and I see the sadness in his eyes. I feel my heart nearly shatter. 'This is it..." I think to myself. 'Dad killed him.' My mind races and I am pulled from my thoughts by Mr. Stilnski putting a hand on my shoulder gently. I jump slightly and look up at him. "Is everything okay Mr. Stilinski?" I ask concern lacing my voice. He shakes his head gently. "It's your dad, Nyx... He's dead." He tells me taking the seat next to me. I feel my body shut down, Stiles' dad continues to talk to me but, I had shut down. It was starting to get harder and harder to breathe. The next thing I know Stiles is in my face calling my name in a gentle tone. I feel my vision start to go dark around the edges before I pass out. 

Word Count: 1289

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