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I would like to start over, please.

Chapter One
2793 words

All gone.

Sakura stood there in disbelief. Tears streamed down her scarred face. Before her very feet, lay the corpses of the two people she valued most.

The Fourth Shinobi world war had destroyed the land, and not a soul had escaped the cold grasp of death. Even Naruto died after landing that final blow to Madara.


 "Rasenshuriken!" Naruto cried, landing his rasengan on the man in front of him. 

"No! Stop it!" Sakura screamed as she reached her hand out helplessly. He wouldn't survive this- his arm was already almost in piece's. He was all she had left, he can't do this...

But he did, and now he was gone. Now Madara was gone. Now everyone was gone. Her hand fell to her side as both Madara and Naruto collapsed, leaving her standing all alone.

"I win." Madara whispered, she wanted to deny it, to say he was wrong and now that he was dead everything was okay- but it wasn't. Of course it wasn't. cause it was never that easy.

Nothing will ever be easy.

Not for her anyway.


Moments before Madara's attack had triggered an avalanche of rock's to come crumbling down upon team seven. On Instinct Sakura kicked Naruto out the way of it, leaving her open to falling boulders. Fortunately- or unfortunately- whatever way you want to see it, Sasuke managed to knock her out of the path of the tumbling boulders. Leaving him open to their destruction. 

To think, the amazing Sasuke Uchiha, the last Uchiha, the strongest Uchiha, the second strongest Shinobi to ever live. The reincarnation of a god,

Ino Yamanaka, her childhood best friend was the very person that gave her hope to become a Kunoichi. Was the very girl who helped Sakura stand up to her tormenting bullies. Was. Died due to an unexpected white Zetsu that Naruto was unable to catch.


"Ino!" Sakura desperately pumped chakra into her trembling hands attempting to close the gaping hole in her armpit.

"It-It's no g- ood S- ak- ura.... a-a axillary- artery-"  her voice was barley a whisper.

"Shut,"  her violent sobs broke through her speech "up..."

Ino's shaking hand reached out to her cheek.

"P- lease... sa- ve your ch- akra."

"No! Pl- ease I- I -In-"  Her words were incomprehensible.

Ino knew, and Sakura did too. Her axillary artery had been severed. Neither her nor Sakura had the strength to close the wound. 


Sakura's parents were never home, they were always away travelling, or doing some sort of DIY project that was never finished. Sakura always complained that her parents were wasting money. It didn't surprise her when she figured out they died in the Land of mist. But it took a blow to her heart.

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