2- Arrangements

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"What do you mean?"
The doctor pulled up a chair, sitting across from Present Mic.
"So seeing from how she looks, I assumed that someone abused her for most likely being quirkless. But her quirk can be a physical doing if trained, but right now it's all mental. So-"
"I'm sorry for being rude, but can we get to the part where you tell us her quirk."
Mic was fidgeting with his hands, he was scared that her quirk was killing her or somewhere along those lines. The doctor nodded.
"She's able to change fate."
Mic eyes widened, and everything seemed to stop for what it's worth.
"Your kidding right? I mean sure she can change fate, but wouldn't that kill people."
"Please settle down, there's more."
Mic realized he was standing, and politely sat back down, taking a glance at Yowai.
"She can change fate, yes, but only future fate. She could basically make people her puppets if she wanted to, but the only way for her to change fate is for her to be asleep. Or she can look into the future with no drawbacks. Though, being able to see others futures takes a toll on mental capabilities. She could be able to look into the past if her quirk is handled enough. She could possibly change the whole existence of quirks itself if she wanted to and had her quirk under enough control. Also, she could send out dreams to people or tap into others dreams, but that would probably be when her quirk is matured. A bit like Midnight with mist I believe. Again, there would be few drawbacks. One being when she is asleep she's defenseless, second she could be a bit weirder, or have less sanity than most of people will. Another thing, anything she dreams could be true in the future, so she can't sleep often, until she's able to sleep mindlessly. And depending on how tamed her quirk is, she could look minutes into the future and be able to decipher what's happening seconds ahead of everyone. She could learn everything she would ever need to know if you had one dream and she tapped into it. The reason I had to shut the door is because this quirk will be hunted, though, All for One probably doesn't know about her, she needs to stay hidden."
Hizashi nodded, looking to the girl who was soundlessly asleep, then jolted up a minute later.
"Hey you okay?"
He rubbed the girls back in which she nodded.
"Dream cm true. No sleep."
Hizashi laughed, standing up out of the chair beside the bed.
"I should report this back to Midnight and the others. Thank you."
Mic shook the doctors hand, in which he swore he wouldn't tell another soul. Hizashi walked toward the door, but stopped when he heard another shuffling set of feet behind him. The girl was standing up straight, hands at her side, looking directly forward. He sighed and held a hand out to her, which she looked at his hand, then up to his face.
"Hit? I bad?"
His eyes widened and immediately shook his head no.
"You hold it, like this."
He grabbed her hand, and gave it a light squeeze, before walking forward to the conference room Eraserhead and Midnight were in.
"-but even they had no clue where she came from. I mean sure we have a birth certificate, but there's only a date on it, no name, no nationality, nothing. I think we should give up at this point in time. I mean it's been over 20 hours and we're still at square one."
Midnight waves at the girl, crouching a little to match the height. The girl looks but only blinks, no reactions to her.
"We should teach her how to speak, she knows how to read and listen, but writing and speaking I don't think she can do."
The girl walked up to the table and picked up a pen and an empty piece of paper. After a minute, she gave it to Midnight.
"'I can write, but it is usually to slow for most masters.'"
She looks to the girl, shocked at the amount of intellect.
"How much do you know?"
The girl looks up, tracing the lines with her eyes. She holds up 7 fingers.
"You've read 7 books."
She shook her head, and tapped her temple twice.
"7 school books?"
The girl nodded, placing the pen back on the table.
"Sorry to interrupt the amazing moment, but don't you want to know her quirk?"
"Oh yeah. How did it go?"
Aizawa sipped his 5th cup of coffee, holding it with both hands.
"Good and Bad. Bad news is that because of her quirk, it takes a lot of mental capacity to maintain a quirk like hers. Also she won't be able to sleep unless it's mindlessly, meaning no dreams. Ok now-"
"Wait, she had said dreams true, did that mean-"
"Yes, her dreams come true, or are future fated. Which also means she can change others fates on accident. The doctor didn't specify if she could see ones fate more than once, but if she could-"
"It would switch the tables between heros and villains."
The whole room was silent, the tension was so thick, breathing wasn't an option anymore.
"Well, we can't just give her to an orphanage now that we know what her quirk is. The league could find her and then we're gone. So what's plan b?"
Midnight looked from Eraserhead to Mic, in which they did too. Midnight sighed, putting her hands on her hips.
"We can't leave her with normal people. A hero should probably take her in. Just in case one for all figures out about Aku's quirk."
"How about you take her then?"
"Mic, I haven't taken care of children in years, and I work more than you do."
"Oh please, and-"
They bicker back and forth, in which Aku backs up a few steps, but puts her head down. After a minute or two she speaks up.
"I ok. No take I. You leave I."
The whole argument ceased, and Midnight laughs.
"Yeah, I'll take her in Mic. I mean, I have way more experience in that area than you to say the least."
"You can say that again."
The two of them laugh, looking to Aizawa who's pouring himself his 8th cup of coffee.
"If you're done here, Midnight can take her back to her room. Hizashi, I need you to make a report for Nezu if we let her stay with Midnight because she is a teacher at UA."
Mic nodded, sitting down at the open laptop. Yowai was picked up by Midnight, carried down the hall and placed in her bed.
"Alright, go to sleep now."
Midnight put the blanket over Yowai, but when she was going to sit in the chair by the bed, a little hand grabbed the fabric of her clothes.
The girl let go of her costume and slapped a hand over her mouth, looking down.
"Sorry, I bad, you hit."
Midnight sighed and patted the girls head.
"Aku, you're never going to be hit ever again. You're never going to serve anyone again either. So please say what you like whenever you like."
The girl cracked a smile, the two toned eyes reflecting off of the moonlight perfectly.
"Aku no sleep."
The girl put her arms up in an x, in which the woman beside her laughed, sitting down on the edge of the bed.
"No, Aku go sleep. Your beautiful, you know that."
The girl paused for a minute, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. She lifted her arm, pointing to herself.
Midnight laughed slightly at the horrible vocabulary.
"Yes you. Also, say me when asking stuff like that."
The girl nodded, putting her head against the woman's shoulder, and drifting out of consciousness.

How was she in this predicament? The last thing Midnight remembered was Aku laying her head on her shoulder, then it all goes blank. What's even weirder is that when Aku woke up, she was speaking regularly. In full sentences regularly. It just happened over night. Midnight was laying in the hospital bed with Aku, the girl up and awake, but resting her eyes an cuddling into Midnight.
"Aku, what happened last night?"
The girl flinched, but none the less told her.
"I'm sorry, but I had you dream to teach me most of the stuff you would teach in school. Which I picked up speaking it while you were dreaming."
Midnight sat up, looking to the girl sitting in the middle of the bed. The doctor came into the room, looking from the woman to the girl. After the regular check up, the doctor told the precautions she should take.
"Lift up your shirt, I need to see if it's better than it was a few days ago."
Yowai turned around, sitting on her knees, then lifting her shirt. He tranced his fingers over the wound, taking them off after a minute.
"She'll have her name scarred onto her, also the line that's at her tailbone. We'll let her out in 2-3 days. Will you be her guardian Mrs. Kayama?"
"Yes, she'll be coming home with me."
The doctor nodded, leaving out the door. Midnight got up out of her chair, about to follow suit with the doctor.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going to prepare you a room and buy some clothes for you. I mean you can't go outside in a hospital gown."
Midnight laughed, in which the other girl did the same.
"Alright, bye Mom."
The girl immediately put a hand over her mouth.
"I'm sorry it-"
"It's okay, you're name is Aku Kayama now. Therefore I am your mother."
Midnight smiled, the girl returning one just as bright.
"I'll be back to get you in few days, be good alright?"
Aku saluted.
"Wait, will you visit?"
The woman turned around and laughed.
"Of course! I'll bring educational books with me."
The girl nodded, looking out the window.

The next days were painfully busy for Midnight, going from lesson plans to being out on patrols. Any of her free time was spent with Aku, who was surprising very smart. But Midnight told her no more sneaking into her dreams or making her dream something specific. By the time she came to pick up Aku on her day off she was exhausted.
"Aku, you ready to go?"
The girl nodded, coming out of the bathroom with a yellow ramen shirt that went to her mid thigh, and jeans. Midnight held out a hand, in which Aku took.
"Let's go home."
Midnight drove them home, Aku telling her answers to whatever she asked.
"So, what's your favorite food?"
"I don't really know. But there was this sweet stuff one of the bosses daughters gave me once. I have no clue what she called it."
Midnight laughed, seeing her concentrate through the rearview mirror.
"Was it chocolate?"
"Yeah! That's what she said it was!"
The girl giggled, and the car slowed to a stop as Midnight turned off the engine. The woman helped her out of the car, taking her hand as they went inside the house. It wasn't the biggest house, but it was big enough to fit the two of them. The girl watched as Midnight unlocked the door, pushing it open after the satisfying click. The girl walked slowly behind the older woman, taking in her surroundings. Midnight clapped her hands together, startling the girl just a bit before she regained composure.
"Alright, your room is this way."
Midnight motioned down the hall, Aku following a good enough distance away, but not so much that it would feel awkward. Midnight opened a door, it having a simple bed, dresser, and a desk on the other side of the wall. Aku walked to the middle of the room, spinning slowly to get a good look at everything.
"The bathroom is two doors down and to the right. I'll have dinner ready in an hour, will you be alright settling in alone?"
The girl looked to Midnight and nodded, slipping off the backpack she had onto the floor next to the desk. She heard Midnight walk away, then come back to the door frame.
"I almost forgot to say. Welcome home."

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