10- Camp

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Kayama was mighty cheery for four thirty in the morning, a bit too cheery. She was driving us to school an hour earlier than when we were supposed to get there. I pet the head of hair in my lap, running my hands through the semi short hair.
“Why are we going an hour earlier than we’re supposed to be?”
“Hm? Oh I haven’t told you. The gear you ordered yesterday for Alan was delivered to the school this morning.”
My mouth drops, in which I clear my throat.
“This early? How did they get all that equipment done in such a short time?”
“They were up all night making it because of you being with Hawks they made your gear a first priority.”
I smirk, seeing the school ahead of us, Kayama putting the car into park. Alan wakes up and gets out of the car, in which I follow pursuit. We get all our stuff out of the car, greeted by Aizawa who leads us to the bus.
"You can leave your stuff here, they start packing the bus around five fifteen. Follow me to the support workroom."
He makes small conversation as the four of us walk the empty halls. When we walk into the room, at least four medium to small boxes are on a huge workbench.
"Look through the equipment to make sure everything is there and fits. I'll shut the door behind me."
"I'll get going too, bye my babies!"
I roll my eyes at Midnight's comment, but smile. I start with the biggest of all of them, which is his suit. He puts it on while I look through his equipment, counting to make sure everything is accounted for.
"Aku, how does it look?"
I look up at his costume, the brown camo trench coat reaching a good length. I walk up to him, putting two fingers in the waist of the sweats.
"Are the pants too tight?"
He shakes his head, in which I remove my fingers and point to the skin tight shirt.
"What about the shirt?"
I nod, looking down at the dark green mechanical shoes.
"Are these the right size? They're not tight on the sides or anything?"
He shakes his head, in which I look back to the work bench, giving him two cross chest belts, both filled with different kinds of earth materials.
"You can manipulate the earth to your will right? So can you manipulate the dirt in the jars?"
Alan's eyes widen, but lower, opening a jar and manipulating the dirt inside. After a minute he manipulates it back, me applauding for the little display.
"Alright, now, take that stuff off and set it on the workbench."
He nods, I proceed with the other boxes, some being mine, the others for Alan. I get to one box, small earrings inside, and instructions. After a minute I widened my eyes in shock, seeing a note at the bottom of the instruction page.
"What is it?"
Alan looks over my shoulder, to which I hand him the paper, knowing that he might not be able to read it.
"These earrings are, one, fake, but they protect your ears from being in substantial damage when hearing loud noises. The note at the end of the page was Hawks, he was saying that this was what he himself put in for you."
A light pink dust Alan's cheeks, as he brings his hand to the back of his neck.
"Alright, I'll thank him later."
I smile, seeing Alan look at the last box.
"You ready to see the last thing I got for you. I thought we could do the biggest last."
I walk over to the box a few feet away, picking up a crowbar. Before I touch the box, Alan takes the crowbar from me, dropping it to the ground. He opens the box with his bare hands, his eyes widening with his smile.
"I thought that you may want a weapon beside only using your quirk, so is that fine?"
Alan looks at me and smiles, taking up the thick bladed sword made of metal, which turns darker at his touch. He takes the back sheath and slings it over his shoulders, sliding the blade in place after the sheath was stable. There's a knock at the door.
"I'm coming in."
It was a familiar monotone voice, coming through the door to reveal Aizawa.
"Let's go, kids are starting to arrive."
I nod, gathering up the equipment before coming out the door, Alan following behind.
"You have a sword for me to help Alan train right?"
Aizawa simply nodded, keeping his pace steady. By the time we got out of the front doors, Midnight and Hawks were taking stuff out of me and Alan's hands, leaving the sword on his back behind.
"We'll take this stuff back to the house."
I nod, watching them walk off, but remember something and run up to them.
"Wait, which one of you has a small box, not much bigger than an engagement rings?"
Hawks hold out the box with a smile.
"He'll need them."
I smile back and put the box in my pocket waving to them before turning around. The whole class had decided to gather around Alan, in which he was holding his ears due to the amount of noise. I jog over to him, the students making a path for me.
"Alan, can you bend down for me?"
I hear gasps at my English and I roll my eyes, taking out one of the fake earrings. I grab his ear and put it on his cartilage, doing it to the other side.
"You're all set, we should be getting onto the bus in a minute so-"
Everyone turns to Aizawa, who starts talking about the trip and how long it will be.
"Alright, time to get on the bus."
Before Aizawa gets on the bus I pull him aside.
"What should we do with Alan's sword?"
He quirks an eyebrow, but otherwise no emotion is displayed.
"He can keep it with him. Also, do you want him to participate in the beginning of training, or is he all yours?"
I smirk, speaking over my shoulder as I motion for Alan to turn around.
"He's all mine. You don't mind if I put this under the seats right?"
"Yeah, do whatever. Just know if you need help training him, ask."
I nod, following Alan onto the bus and into a seat in the front. The first few minutes were chaos, people asking who Alan was, in which Alan fell asleep. After that, small conversation was made between the class behind me. The bus stopped an hour later in the middle of nowhere, yet all the students started getting out of the bus.
"Hey! Are you getting out too?"
I looked up to see Midoriya, and smile, waving him off.
"I'll be out in a minute, I have to wake Alan up."
He nods before getting off the bus, but I wasn't getting off after the few others left. I watched out the window, as the students met the Pussycats, and as they fell off a mud cliff to get to the camp out as fast as possible. I hear the steps of someone getting back on the bus, in which its Ragdoll.
"Aku! How is my kitten?!"
I shush her, putting a finger up to my lips, then pointing to Alan who was still asleep.
"I'm good, Auntie! How has the gang been?"
She shrugs, but sits across from me, all the others getting in. They all shower me with greetings, the bus moving once Tiger gets in.
"How's my little girl?!"
Us girls shush him and point to Alan who's nuzzling his head in my shoulder. I'm pretty sure Aizawa had scoffed at Tiger's comment, but that was probably my imagination. I inform them of the past few years, mentioning Alan and our connection. The bus comes to an abrupt stop, I wake up Alan as everyone gets out. He follows behind me, rubbing his eyes as he sees the outside.
"Alright, Alan, what do you want to do first? Reach the limit of your quirk, or your physical capabilities?"

The students came back late in the afternoon, Alan hitting the ground after Tiger beat him again in close combat. In the end I allowed the Pussycats help Alan while I did mental training. Before the students go in and get washed up, someone taps my shoulder as I meditate. I open one eye to see Kota, and get up from the ground, dusting myself off. He takes my hand and tugs me back towards camp, in which I laugh.
"Worried I'd be stuck out here, hm?"
He scoffs, keeping at the same pace. He eventually drags me to a room with only 3 futons and me and Alan's stuff.
"You and Alan can sleep here with me, I don't want any of those wanna-be heros poisoning your mind."
I give out a little laugh, ruffling his hair. There's a knock at the door, Kota opening the door to reveal Alan and Ragdoll, who calls for him to leave. Alan and I wave as Kota leaves, grabbing my bathing essentials and a change of clothes.
"Alright, I'm going to go down to the bath house. Grab your stuff and then we'll go." Alan sifts through his stuff as you speak.
"Are you okay bathing with more than one person? I understand if you don't want to bathe with more than one person, I can request for us to bathe later if you want."
He looks up at me with a sympathetic look and smiles, shaking his head.
"I'll be okay, I think."
I chuckle at the quiet remark, ruffling his hair before he could stand up.
"Is the towel a good feel for you? I know your senses are heightened and stuff so-"
Before I can finish, he pays my head.
"I'm used to most things, it's just the odd things that'll throw me off."
I sigh, leading the way out to the bath houses.
"If you feel nervous about talking to someone, just tell stay silent, unless they're annoying, I give you full permission to slap them."
The sound of his small laugh warms my being, causing a smile to occur.
"Okay, well, this is where we part, see you back in the room?"
He smiles before nodding, walking into the boy's side. I smile as he leaves, walking into my side, putting my stuff down before stripping. I wash before walking out, slipping into the bath without anyone knowing.
"Who do y'all like?"
I roll my eyes at the question, watching as some blush at Mina's question and Mina starts to barrade people. I sigh, feeling the water besides me shift.
"You hate this too?"
Jirou nods, leaning her back on the edge, and dropping her head back. I hear a commotion on the other side, looking over.
"-we can just climb over the wall."
I stand up, ready to yell a threat when Kota knocks him back to the other side. Mina waves at him.
"Thanks Kota!"
"Kota don't turn around!"
I yelled just as he started to turn toward us,  he stopped and nodded. He walks off back where he came from and I sigh, sitting back down.
"Kid was about to faint if he turned around."
"Kacchan! You can't just punch someone just because they look at you wrong!"
I raise an eyebrow at the noise on the other side of the wall.
"He's not even in our fucking class! Why the fuck can't I?"
I stand up and walk to the wall.
"Alan! I give you permission to beat his ass! I don't fucking care how naive you are, but no one disrespects you like that!"
I hear him laugh, but it isn't his usual cute and small laugh, it's psychotic, maniac like.
"No take backs."
Is all the answer I get before I hear a smack and a thud.
"Bakugou actually got knocked out!"
I hear a knock on the wall.
"He's unconscious, no real damage, only his face will have a handprint bruise on it."
I laugh, him joining in later.
"See you outside here in 3."
"Yes ma'am."
I walk out, drying off and putting on my pajamas. I walk out and find Alan leaning against the wall. I put my hand up, him giving me a high five. I started speaking in English.
"Good fucking job, he deserves to be knocked down a peg."
He giggles his normality coming back.
"He was staring at me so I looked him up and down, then he got pissed, and you know the rest."
I smile, patting him on the back, before looking at him directly.
"You did great, no, amazing."
His eyes shine in the moonlight and he shakes his head eagerly, smiling. We got back within a few minutes, seeing as Kota was already there. He runs up to me and gives me a hug.
"Thanks for helping me….. Auntie."
My eyes widen at the last word, and I slowly soften, hugging him back.
"It's nothing Kota. Let's get to bed."

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