9- Shopping

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"We did find a dna sample on Deku's costume, but we don't know if that will be enough for you to be able to get the full picture."

"Anything will work."

I keep sketching the suit for Alan while talking to Mr.Tsuragamae on speaker, the rays of dawn spraying the files on my desk.

"Do you have any knowings of where Eri is?"

A sigh was heard over the phone, mixed with what sounded like coffee pouring.

"No, but a guy was spotted recently in that alley that she had run out of. We're currently trying to track him but it's a bit....skeptical. There is nothing on who this guy is."

I humm, hearing the bed behind me shuffle, the bed frame creaking.

"He probably was born in the underground, so look at least fifty years in the past birth record database to see what had been deleted in those days."

"Alright, thank you for this Aku."

"It's nothing, you have a good day."

"You too, bye."

The phone goes dead, in which I grab it, scrolling to Keigo's name. He picks up after the second ring.

"Sup sister."

I laugh at his try to sound not like he just woke up.

"One, you need to get up, second, I need a few things."

The shuffling on my bed stops, replaced with foot steps toward me, and a tap on my shoulder.

"Ok, what is it?"

"Hold on, say hi to Alan, he just woke up. In american, because I'm pretty sure he only speaks american."

"H-hello Alan."

I laughed at his horrible english, but the welcoming got across to Alan.


"Wow, he actually speaks."

I laugh at Keigo's instant switch to japanese.

"Well anyway, I need you to get clothes for Alan, and maybe Alan would go with you to get them if he likes you enough. Also, I need you to go to that gear shop you always go to to get me some supplies. I just sent you the list. I need a suit recommendation into the shop also, it's also attached to the list."

"Alright I got it, could you ask if Alan wants to go shopping with me?"

"Alan, do you want to go shopping with brother?"

I hear Keigo stifle a laugh over the phone, in which I roll my eyes, looking behind me at Alan. My eyes widened, he had grown a half a foot overnight.


"Keigo, come over and we'll talk more."

"Alright, be there in five."


I hang up, standing up out of my chair, Alan being almost my height. I grab his hand, walking him to my closet. I put clothes up to his body for a comparison.

"Here, put these on."

He takes the basketball shorts I handed him and puts them on, handing me the shorts he had on last night. I throw them in the hamper in the corner of my room, his shirt included. I threw him a pink sweater, which was really big on me, but comfy. I look at him and shake my head.

"Take off the pants, and put these on."

I threw a pair of jeans that were just a bit big on me. I nodded at his look when he put all of that on, taking him to the bathroom.

Daughter of Midnight (bnhaxoc!reader) Where stories live. Discover now