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"Happy Birthday Lando!" Cameras are flashing and I look at my boyfriend waving politely to everyone wishing him a happy birthday. I am glad to see him doing okay again, the food poisoning wasn't one of the most sanitary moments of our relationship. I haven't left his side the whole weekend, even though he assured me that he was doing fine. I know him better than he thinks, because I can see all over him that he isn't back to a hundred percent yet, but it's better than a couple of days ago so I'll take it.

We walk through the paddock, hand in hand so Lando doesn't lose me in the crowd that bombards him with birthday wishes and all the people wanting to talk to him. Luckily we have foreseen this, so the two bodyguards that flank our side lead us safely to the hospitality.

"It's a madhouse out there," Lando laughs at Daniel who comes to greet us. "I know mate, you are just way too popular for this world." The Australian laughs back and he comes to hug Lando. "Happy Birthday, buddy."

Lando smiles as the two let go of each other. "Thanks man, I feel so old turning twenty-three. It feels so adultlike." He looks at me for confirmation and I shake my head. "You have been an adult for five years, Lan." He shrugs at that remark. "I know, but still it feels weird somehow. I can't explain it."

"Well, I am happy that you are able to celebrate instead of puking all day." Lando rolls his eyes at me and I just smile sweetly at him. Daniel laughs at us and gives me a nod to ask if we are ready. I of course know what's coming but we need to get Lando into the main area where the rest of the team is waiting, so I take his hand and start pulling him along. "Where are we going?"

"We need to celebrate before the drivers parade and we are on a tight schedule, so move your arse." Daniel walks in front of us and we follow quickly. "Nice, how thoughtful there was room for my Birthday." Lando laughs ironically. I nod proudly at him, which makes him laugh louder. He knows how I like planning and how annoying it is that he is one of those people always coming five minutes late. So, today I am responsible that he keeps to his schedule as requested by Lucinda.

Daniel waits for the entrance and I let go of Lando and give him a small push so he can walk inside. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" The people assembled in the area all applaud for him as he walks inside. The cake is brought out by the chef and Lando beams at everyone, making his round to greet the team.

"Let's make it a good one, as a present to yourself." William wishes him as he gives him a pat on the back. "I don't want to be too optimistic." Lando looks down and I see he is not feeling all too comfortable. Luckily Daniel jumps into the conversation. "We'll do our best, as always." I smile at the two drivers and a sting in my stomach reminds me that Daniel won't be here next year. We will see him enough, but him being in a different garage and not having him around is still a weird thing to think about. Daniel was one of the first people I met in this crazy Formula One world and I don't know how it's going to be without him next year.

"We need to get them going." I jump a little, being startled by Jack standing next to me. "I'm not that scary, am I?" I laugh at him, shaking my head. "No, I'm sorry. I was just distracted." Jack smirks at me. "You can look at your boyfriend all day tomorrow, we need him today." I bury my elbow in his chest, but can't help getting hotter in my face. Jack only laughs as he walks to the drivers to get them onto the parade.

Lando comes up to me and I forget about my thoughts, smiling up at him. "Good luck, I'll see you in the garage before the start." He pecks my lips before hurrying out of the hospitality. I keep looking at him until the door closes and let out a sigh. "You worry too much, you know that right?" A man says, standing next to me. Will. I nod at him and sigh again. "I know, but I just want him to do well and be okay." Will hums at me and gestures to walk with him.

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