Because of me?

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"I need to close the cafe now.. When is he going to come out? Did James do something again.." The younger boy thought sighing. As he did the older came out, bid his goodbye and left. The younger started closing the shop when his boyfriend stood in the doorway joining the house with the cafe.
"Hey" His boyfriend said smirking, sending chills up the others back. 'Oh.. I was just closing the shop James.' "Good to know.. Anyways Where were you yesternight?" James said coming closer to the tiny boy. The other shivered a little and starting walking, maintaining distance but soon his back touched the wall. "I said. Where. Were you yesternight?" 'I-I was at the library I--I' He was cut off by a harsh slap across his cheek. The sound echoed and soon the 19-year old boy, Chris came out. 'What is happening here, Em?' Chris asked as he saw his brother, Em placed  his hand on his cheek, with teary eyes. 'Nothing Ris.. go back inside. I'm fine don't worry.. Go inside I'll get you some cake.' Em said smiling. 'James are you doing it again?' Chris said, coming closer but was stopped by his brother 'Go inside.. Please.' With that Chris went in. "Enough of the family drama now i wish to know the truth. Where. The. Fuck were you yesternight." James said biting his lip. 'I..' as Em was unable to answer the question another harsh slap landed on his cheek. "You fucking slut. You dare cheat on me?? What the fuck do you think you are? Huh? Tell me." James said grabbing Em's collar. "Don't forget I'm here only because of your body and you dare give it to someone else?? Let me give you a lesson so you fucking see my face everytime you try to give your body to someone else bitch. Listen here slut, this body maybe yours but it fucking. belongs. to. me." James said as he grabbed Em's hair, making Em look towards him before pushing the tiny boy on the couch. He tore the boy's shirt even though he was resisting. As the boy's resistance made it difficult for the stronger boy, the stronger boy slapped him again. "The more you resist, the worsen it gets." The stronger boy said pulling the younger boy's hair back, choking him. With a smile he left the boy's hair and unbuckled his belt. He flipped the boy over and started hitting the boy with the belt. Once he was satisfied with the younger's bruised back, puffed up eyes and no voice left to scream, he stopped. He walked in front of the boy's face and bent down to look in the younger's eyes. "I love you baby.. I really do. I mean you're the only one who does anything for my pleasure." James said smirking. He lit up a cigarette, inhaling and then exhaling on the latter's face. He caressed the boy's body with the cigarette as he spoke.-> "I love your screams so much.. baby.. I love every bruise on your body.. but bruises for sure ruin the beauty. Once.. your body is covered I'll move on to your brother." He said laughing which angered the younger. The younger gathered some courage and spit on the stronger boy's shirt though he wanted to do it on his face but was too tired to do so. "You little..." The stronger boy angered and smiled. "Got angry when i mentioned your brother?" The stronger boy smirked and put the lit cigarette on the younger's neck making him scream and cry even though he thought he was unable to do them anymore. After making 2 burns on the weaker boy's neck James said "Try not to do anything like this again." And left.

'Are you okay?' Chris asked Em to which he didn't receive any answer. So he just helped Em up and put on a shirt for him. He treated the tiny boy's injuries, picked the tiny boy up and layed him on the bed. 'Have some rest.. I'm going out.' and with that Chris left the house.

Chris was sitting in the library, his crush owned, he had a book in his hands but was spaced out. "Chris? Chris?" He was brought back to the reality by a boy standing infront. 'Oh.. Wen' "Are you okay? You were zoning out." Wen asked. 'I'm fine.. Don't worry. So how's the library work going?' "As usual, tiring." 'Oh.. you've got something something on your lips' Chris said, cleaning Wen's lip with his thumb and licking it. Wen blushed but Chris was grossed out at the taste of the thing. 'uhh don't mind but what were you eating?' "Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, why?" 'I'm allergic to nuts' "YOU'RE ALLERGIC, COME HERE." Wen said pulling Chris with him to the washroom. He made them both sit near the toilet seat and put his index finger, middle finger and thumb into Chris's mouth, thrusting them in and out trying to make the latter vomit. 'Wai-wait' Chris tried to speak but couldn't, he was choking and unable to breath. He hit Wen's chest trying to indicate him of his condition. Once Wen realised he took his fingers out and apologized, blushing at his stupidness. Chris started coughing and then broke out in a fit of laughter. 'This tiny little amount of peanut butter won't do anything to me, crazy' he told Wen. "Sorry" Wen said again. They both started laughing at Wen's stupidness and after, made eye contact as they stopped laughing. Suddenly they started getting intimidated by each other. Wen put the thumb he put in Chris's mouth on his own lip. Chris noticed it and licked his lips. He grabbed Wen's hair, pulling him closer as he smashed his lips onto the other boy's. They started making out as if they needed it for a long time. Wen started running his hand through Chris's hair and Chris picked him up and put him on the sink. His hands started moving to his neck, back, ass, thighs. Wen broke the kiss and look at the other. Chris looked like he needed more but when he saw That Wen seemed uncomfortable he smiled. "I.. I'm sorry.." 'Huh? No don't worry it's okay. I liked it.' Chris smiled, assuring the other. 'did you..?' "Liked it or not... We can't be anything more than friends.." 'What do you mean..?' Chris asked confused. "I like you Chris.. No I think I love you.." Wen said suddenly catching Chris off gaurd after a few seconds. 'I love you too Wen.. I love you a lot.. I loved you since the first meet... Wen you don't get it how happy I am' Chris said happily as a tear escaped his eye. Wen was happy too, he wiped Chris's tear kissing him again. After a second they parted. 'Would you be my boyfriend?' Chris asked. Wen's mood suddenly dropped. "As much I would love to..  I can't Chris... I can't." Though Chris was heartbroken he still smiled 'It 's okay.. have some time to think about it, okay?' Wen nodded and smiled before pecking the other's lips. Chris wondered why Wen needed time he respected his decision. "Here.. Have my contact call me sometime okay?" Chris smiled at Wen's cuteness and got his contact. 'Let's go out now..' With that they went out, Chris stayed until Wen, walked him home as it was late and walked to his own home.

Another loveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora