Chapter 4: Urine big trouble

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Chapter 4

"What the?" He said, saying a strand of curses. My breath caught in my throat. That was the first time I've heard him curse. It reminded me of when your teacher accidentally curses and everyone in the classroom goes 'OH' while the teacher struggles to fix their mistake, even though it wasn't a mistake. I heard a zipping sound and the sink being turned on. About a minute later, I'd realized I was holding my breath and let it out- expecting it to be a breath, but instead it was a sob.

I heard his Nikes walk over to the stall, he knocked twice before speaking.

"Dude, a-are you crying?" He asked, sounding shocked. I tried to muster the manliest voice I could find in my feminine voice box before speaking.

"N-no man." I said, sounding more like a Darth Vader and puppet mixture. Ew, why can't girls master guy's voices well? I sounded like Bill Cosby with a sinus infection.

"Either you're gay or you haven't hit puberty yet." He assumed. I smiled lightly at that comment, only he would say that to a complete stranger.

"Are you wearing pink Uggs?" He asked, sounding amused and shocked at the same time. I told my mom to let me wear my black high-tops! But 'no, they're run down and only to be worn during yard work.'

"Y-yeah, these are the style, man. Don't you read Sports weekly?" I asked, attempting my manly man voice again.

"No... so which one are you?" He asked, sounding amused still.

"I'm neither, bro. I'm the uhm... manliest man you'll ever know." I said, my voice cracking at the world 'manliest.'

"Doesn't sound like it." He said. I sniffled, smiling. I could imagine him smirking, and looking handsome and then myself- a wreck with mascara running down my face. He was giving me a reason to smile.

"I am." I said, forgetting to put my manly voice on. I brought my hand up to my mouth, cursing myself.

"Pepper? Is that you? Are you stalking me?" He asked, coming closer to the door.

"No, it's not Pepper, whoever that is. That's a really stupid nickname. She'd probably prefer you to call her by her real name; or at least a real nickname that contains an actual part of her name. And I hardly doubt this Pepper chick would want to stalk you; you seem like a jerk." I said, putting on a falsetto voice that would break glass. It hurt my own ears and I was the one producing the voice! I heard him chuckle.

"Come out of there, Pepper." He said, laughing.

"No." I replied, giving up on the act.

"Mind me asking why you're in here?" He asked, sounding curious.

"I accidentally came into this room instead of the ladies room." I admitted.

"How? Did you miss the huge 'Male' sign on the wall, or the picture of the stick man? How many times do I have to tell you? Just because you're wearing jeans doesn't mean that the lady sign doesn't apply to you." He asked, sounding amused and concerned.

"I couldn't really see well." I said, sniffling again.

"Are you crying?" He asked, confused. Curse my runny nose.

"No." I lied.

"I can hear it in your voice." He stated.

"I'm not; I just ate really hot tamales which burned my throat." I said, lying terribly.

"Why are you crying?" He asked, ignoring my lie. I breathed heavily.

"I'm not." I said, exhaling heavily. My voice needs to stop shaking.  

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